I'd say move higher, say 1.860 or wherever... But I can see that having an antenna resonate for the lower CW area and a higher FT8 frequency could be difficult. Ray, N6VR/W7YA _________________ Searc
Check the recent posts by VE6WZ, I believe it is. He has several videos and links that will help you. Ray, N6VR _________________ Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Ref
Greg, you, VU2GSM and others openly state how you are operating, and follow the accepted rules. And I'm glad you do. Those who do not and claim DXCC credit for a out of country remote credit should o
At the big M/M W0AIH stn in Wisconsin, 90 acres, over 20 towers, Paul used old junker refrigerators/freezers for remote junction boxes and base loading systems. They may not look pretty but they are
One way to tell if a choke is needed I would think, is to add say, a random lenght of coax, 20 - 40 ft, to the shack end of you coax and see if your SWR changes. If so, then a then a choke could help
I was on 160m FT8 this morning between 0830z and 0930z and ran 40 JAs non stop. They were all between -8 to -24, but workable. Seems I was the only one up at that time. Could have worked more but had
Lucky guys, not a peep so far on the West Coast. If they stay a few more days, maybe we'll be lucky too... Ray, N6VR/W7YA _________________ Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - T
If your vertical is ground mounted you need alot more. I'd say atleast 36 radials, 135ft long. It will make a big difference in your signal and be easier to match. I have over 100 radials but probabl
Yes, Mark, N5OT go back a long way, 80's or so. At my QTH, Arizona high desert 4800ft, the soil is very non-conductive - typically dry shale and small rocks, it's called Caleche. We have very little
I'm in the process of building a vertical phased antenna system for 80m and 160m. I am looking to purchase some crimp type connectors to build the phasing lines but have not found any. RF Parts does
Want to thank all those who replied. Seems I'll buy the braid crimp style connectors and then soldier the center conductor. At Least this saves me from having to soldier the braid, which does not alw
Here in Arizona, we are in our monsoon season, lots of thunder, lightning and rain. I have built two inductors to put across the base of my homebrew phased 80m verticals feed point. I have a small 4"
Hank et all , The verticals base impedance is between 45 - 50 ohms. My issue is that I'm hoping to fit 1ea inductor into the 4"X 4" box at the base of each vertical. I have not checked Google yet, bu
Bill, The HiZ antenna will greatly improve your hearing, especially with the weak ones. For a decent DX Tx antenna, I'd suggest an Inverted L. Make it as tall as possible with atleast 24 quarter wave
All, I have a situation that I have not encountered before and do not understand the cause. I am building an 80m 4 square TX antenna system. I put up the 4 - 65ft irrigation pipe verticals between Se
Got him on 80m CW last night, but he was never better than a 449. No peep of them on 160m. Ray, N6VR/W7YA Arizona _________________ Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband R
Did work an F5 last night, 0445z on 160m FT8. Have not heard EU on CW lately, but only briefly tune 160m. Ray, N6VR, W7YA on FT8 Arizona _________________ Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.c
George, I've worked Ducie on all bands with N6VR, but am using W7YA, Arizona, on FT8. With W7YA, I need you only on 60m & 160m, FT8. I will get up at 1000z (3am) to look for you. Seems you've been on
Hello Robin, Hear you call two nights ago on CW. I worked George a few minutes later. Now have 5 acres here in AZ to grow antenna and they seem to work. QTH is quiet too. George, thanks for the FT8 q
Condx and distance make so much difference. In California my 160m DXCC total was abt 60 over a 20 year time period. I retired to Arizona in 2009 when condx were great and using a 30ft tall TV mast fo