Hi low band lovers I would like to share with you a rotary bean antenna that really works. I built it two month and only during the holidays I was able to fine tune it and enjoy the results. The expe
Hey guys After six month using my Big Weller Flag I feel comfortable to provide the TB community a solid and trustable update about this new family of RX antennas. Results I started dreaming with 160
Hi Bill Well, the Waller Flag, as I called it, is not a new antenna project, the idea of it started with WA2WVL articles QST Feb, 1995, "Is this EWE for you?" At the end of the second article, Floyd
Hi Guys I keep myself motivated during this summer. The activity has being very low on Top Band but very good DX conditions. Since I finished my Big Waller Flag last December, I worked 133 countries
Hi Chuck The detuning cap is used on my TX antenna, the tower has a skirt and it works like a ¼ wave stub, short circuited on the top and high impedance at the base of the tower. When the TX t
Hi Guys I'm using my IC7800 and since firm, V2.1 there is a huge improvement on the APF. The trick is to move the center of the APF to the edge of the RF BW and not in the center. My commun sets are
<<One way propagation is impossible in a linear and isotropic medium. Besides all possibilities I would like to mention my own experience. Living in a suburban area I measure my local noise periodica
Hi Bjorn It depends, the loop is resonant, and any resonant antenna will reradiate signals and noise. You can have any non resonant antenna close to each other, like several EWE's or Flags, they are
""Lots of common mode impedance between the ground system and RX Antennas will help that though too."" Dan I run my cables inside galvanized water pipe buried 8", the metal shield magnetic field and
Bjorn << The TX antenna is located about 50-75 meter away from the RX antennas and I am not sure if I would gain anything by detuning it. What is the simplest way to find out? >> Any 1/2 wave length
The magnetic field is this case is an external agent caused by a huge current source, in the transformer we have the magnetic current inside the iron. We use it to transport energy. It is not the sam
Dan Here what I noticed working on my Waller Flag. The WF is 2 flags in phase so this explanation applies to Flag, EWE, K9AY or Pennants, they are all the same kind of antenna and works based on2 sma
Hi Jacek I'm working on receiving antennas for 160m almost 3 years now. Here my resume about what can go wrong with receiving your antenna. Make sure you are listen signal coming from you RX antenna
Hello Folks The new season is starting early this year, yesterday VQ9LA was Q5 at my sunset in S Florida, last year we had a similar QSO last week of August as well. I'm telling you that to say some
Hello Folks is starting again. Looking into the A index chart it is possible to forecast very good condx on Sept 6-8, Oct 4-6 and Nov 2-4.<< I did not noticed much enhancement on Oct 4-6 , However co
Phill charts I need to be looking at?< Based on my observations here in South Florida, for 160m we need at least 5 days with low A index for good condition across the pole. Only one or few days are n
Jerry I'm quite sure there is no problem with your K9AY-Loop itself; however I am 100% sure why it is not working. The main reason RX antennas do not work is because the proximity with a resonant TX
agree that the ground is needed beyond for whatever it takes to make the antenna work.<< Hi Jim That's a good point. What is an antenna? Simple question but difficult answer, let's see a 6m yagi at
Hi topband lovers. Let's face the reality, what makes the band almost impossible to work DX on 160m international contests? It is a large number of local stations calling CW for hours with only few l
Bruce The flag has low gain for however EZENEC does not calculate gain correctely for small loops close to ground. Check the help notes about it. One preamp is enough to bring sensivity above the loo