Good luck with that!. I like the idea though. ARRL recommends registered mail assuming such service is available. There is more accountability here in the US for registered mail and hopefully between
I had an R7 matching network have the cores partially disappear because of water leakage (these are 2 inch cores) perhaps in conjunction with freezing weather. Looking at the interior of the box it w
Phil. I used to use an HF6V on 160 and never had any radials that were 131 feet long. The longest I had was about 65 feet and not many of those. Obviously less than ideal but it did work I was able t
I started with 8. Most of the time I had 16. I did move to 32 at one point but I I couldn't honestly distinguish the difference between the 32 and 16 radials. In my situation the 16 radials worked qu
With tongue firmly planted in cheek..... Tuning up on the DX station is perfectly logical. It is one frequency you know is working After all, all of the other stations are calling and apparently the
Home Depot and Lowes have some staples as well. Look in the area where they keep the artificial ground covers in the garden area of the store. They usually have poly packs and boxes of them. here is
You would hear the same thing at your sunrise but more for Asia and Oceania stations. VK6, for example, becomes workable around sunrise on the East Coast in the Spring and Fall. (VK6 is probably the
Seems like ON4UN in his LowBand DXing book used an omega match for shunt fed towers where the natural reasonance was below the band: a series capacitor from the feed line to the feed point and a shun
An e-mail from the ARRL shows ON4UN's new edition of Low Band DXing is available at $44.95. Many were wondering about the new edition a few weeks ago. 73, Larry W6NWS ________________________________
For a preamp you might look at the W7IUV preamp" ( A similar preamp is sold in kit form by W8DIZ ( ________________________________
W0UCE's web page calls out Wireman 635 ( which is 14 AWG double polymide at 0.38USD per foot. Not sure about the tape. _______________________________________________ UR RST IS
I haven't done much modeling in the past.I have a KT36XA which would be very ugly if I had to model it precisely. I also have a linearly loaded 2 el 40M yagi. I suspect that the loading wires probabl
The tower as a cylinder, 50 ohms at the feed point, etc I knew. Dealing with the yagis was not so clear but your procedure seems like a reasonable and do-able method to deal with it. Thanks For most
Herb, I tried measuring the tower resonance with a GDO as suggested by ON4UN's book but my GDO wouldn't go low enough in frequency to find resonance. It appears to be below 1.5MHz (100 ft 45G with a
Something I read somewhere after trying to get the resonance is that with the GDO you might not get a good reading if there are BC stations close by. I don't think there are any BC stations that clos
The new tower will have a log periodic on it with a 32 foot boom (IIRC). The new tower will have Phillystran guys as does the 100 foot tower. In Vietnam I use a short MFJ antenna that has a capacity
I can't help directly. I worked Z37M on 1 Feb 2010 on 160M and got an eQSL confirmation a couple of weeks ago - no LoTW confirmation yet. All of the other QSOs (14) I have had with them have been con
Unfortunately 160 is not immune to that kind of behavior. I have run into it before (including from an A1 Op member). Some would argue they were agressively pursuing a DX QSO. Most of us would classi
I have a hand held wand-like device meant for finding nails etc in wood that worked OK as long as the radials weren't too deep in the ground. It is awkward for this kind of operation since it is only
My first 160 antenna was an 80M dipole that I shorted the feedline and fed as T with only a ground rod. It was only about 50 feet high through the trees. While it was not a great antenna (my construc