- 1. Topband: 160M Short Verticals (score: 1)
- Author: k2pc@adelphia.net (Charlie Corp)
- Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 09:04:50 -0400
- Since everyone is talking about Capacitive Loading: I have been using a vertical, 27.5 foot high with a Cap Hat ( 6 foot Square) and a loading coil at 22' up. I have 30, 25' radials. This has been th
- /archives//html/Topband/2001-08/msg00143.html (7,514 bytes)
- 2. Topband: 160M Short Verticals (score: 1)
- Author: k2pc@adelphia.net (Charlie Corp)
- Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 16:45:36 -0400
- Yes, I know that now, that is why I thanked you. But at the time I built the antenna I also had 30M in mind, the coil acting as a choke , giving me a 30m vertical also. It also allows me to operate 1
- /archives//html/Topband/2001-08/msg00146.html (7,310 bytes)
- 3. Topband: Topband impossible from this QTH ? (score: 1)
- Author: k2pc@adelphia.net (Charlie Corp)
- Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 14:12:04 -0400
- Rob, I use a 27 ft vertical, with a small coil and a large capacitance hat. I use only 2 radials for 160m. I am not a DXer but I hear all kinds of DX and work some with only 100 watts. Running 1kw wo
- /archives//html/Topband/2001-02/msg00036.html (7,467 bytes)
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