- 1. Topband: Fwd: RETURNED BY BARC: K1EP (score: 1)
- Author: Ed K1EP <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 08:21:21 -0500
- Robot problems? Other than the fact that I have never worked JT1CO, I think my log entry is correct. Any one else having a problem? _______________________________________________ Topband mailing lis
- /archives//html/Topband/2007-12/msg00222.html (8,015 bytes)
- 2. Re: Topband: Improving the Fabulous CQ 160 Contest (score: 1)
- Author: Ed K1EP <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 07:53:13 -0500
- So if everyone likes it so much, why aren't there more participants in the Stew Perry contest where these features already exist? _______________________________________________ Topband mailing list
- /archives//html/Topband/2009-01/msg00038.html (8,530 bytes)
- 3. Re: Topband: Improving the Fabulous CQ 160 Contest (score: 1)
- Author: Ed K1EP <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 10:32:02 -0500
- The same holds true for VE-W QSOs. They are worth 5 points vs. the 2 point W-W or VE-VE QSOs. There are a disproportionate higher number of W entries than VE entries. Considering that a majority of t
- /archives//html/Topband/2009-01/msg00048.html (9,955 bytes)
- 4. Re: Topband: 160 contest and SO2R (score: 1)
- Author: Ed K1EP <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 05:31:54 -0500
- And on the other hand, I recall several times during the contest this weekend I would be CQing and all of a sudden someone really loud started CQing within 50Hz of me. Did they even send a "?"? Maybe
- /archives//html/Topband/2011-02/msg00017.html (10,263 bytes)
- 5. Re: Topband: The Stew !! (score: 1)
- Author: Ed K1EP <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2011 04:51:11 -0500
- I am happy to support the contest and sponsor your award. I also would like to thank K7RAT for running the contest and to W0UCE for the plaque that I won, Top Score with Single Wire Antenna. Unfortun
- /archives//html/Topband/2011-12/msg00115.html (8,271 bytes)
- 6. Topband: VY1AAA in Stew this weekend (score: 1)
- Author: Ed K1EP <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 08:04:40 -0500
- I will be operating VY1AAA in the Stew this weekend after the RAC contest ends after 00Z. Turn your beams up to the great northwest. Okay, probably many of you don't have yagis on 160M, but try that
- /archives//html/Topband/2016-12/msg00187.html (6,492 bytes)
- 7. Re: Topband: Fresnel Zone (score: 1)
- Author: Ed K1EP <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 12:40:26 -0400
- I heard wild Maine blueberries were now a protected species and that you cannot build there. _________________ Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector
- /archives//html/Topband/2019-04/msg00094.html (9,797 bytes)
- 8. Re: Topband: ARRL 160m (score: 1)
- Author: Ed K1EP <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 13:27:36 -0500
- I think some people used this feature without regard to actually listening first. I had several instances where I was running when stations would just pop on frequency and start CQing in my face. I k
- /archives//html/Topband/2019-12/msg00085.html (13,457 bytes)
- 9. Re: Topband: ARRL 160 (score: 1)
- Author: Ed Parish <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2022 05:57:59 -0500
- The same thing happened to me. I occasionally get a dupe, but at one point, all of a sudden, I worked 10 or 12 dupes in a row. I finally had to QSY. Running unassisted, I couldn't tell what was spott
- /archives//html/Topband/2022-12/msg00019.html (9,550 bytes)
- 10. Re: Topband: CONDX CQWW V31XX (score: 1)
- Author: Ed Parish <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 15:17:08 -0500
- Wow, was hearing N6RO at 0030Z here on east coast. _________________ Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector
- /archives//html/Topband/2024-01/msg00123.html (8,058 bytes)
- 11. Re: Topband: Low frequency RX antenna (score: 1)
- Author: Ed Parish <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 06:58:35 -0400
- Thanks Tim. I assume you have three fixed loops. What, if any, interaction is there between loops? That is, does the close proximity of one loop affect the directivity of the other loop? Do you sugge
- /archives//html/Topband/2024-09/msg00083.html (7,514 bytes)
- 12. Re: Topband: Use CAT6 as a feedline for you RX antenna (score: 1)
- Author: Ed Parish <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 08:37:54 -0500
- If there is too much IR drop, why not use a higher voltage and a small linear regulator at the far end? Sure, it's not that efficient, but you can turn off the supply when not in use. _______________
- /archives//html/Topband/2025-01/msg00028.html (10,293 bytes)
- 13. Re: Topband: CQ WW 160 (score: 1)
- Author: Ed Parish <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 17:24:30 -0500
- The current scoring system penalizes US stations. VEs work the endless number of US stations for 5 points while US to US, whether it is CA to CA or CA to VT, only get 2 points. Eu to Eu is usually 5
- /archives//html/Topband/2025-01/msg00068.html (9,708 bytes)
- 14. Re: Topband: SP Contest (score: 1)
- Author: Ed Parish <k1ep.list@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 19:15:31 -0400
- As an East Coast topbander, I don't have directional arrays and usually don't even have rx antennas. I operate remote mostly at stations in MA, ME, and VT. CA is not always easy, at least for me, how
- /archives//html/Topband/2025-03/msg00015.html (9,085 bytes)
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