Here's another method that's based on the engineering textbook transmission line equation and use of an impedance analyzer to make an impedance measurement. You can look up the transmission line equa
We just went through the exercise of tuning up the elevated radials on the KC1XX 160m vertical array in advance of the upcoming CQWW DX Contests. The first thing is to make each of the radials look a
When you are using just a single vertical, some pattern skew is probably acceptable. However, at KC1XX we are using several verticals in an array and nonideal radiation from the individual verticals
I was one of the lucky ones to work VK6VZ on LP last November 7. I got him at 2128Z with signals peaking from the east. It was exactly at my sunset. I was followed by two other W1 stations before the
I designed the YCCC preamp so I can answer the question about the AD8055 op amp. As used in the YCCC preamp, the linearity is actually very good. We use a YCCC receiving array at KC1XX in a multi-ope
You can find a schematic on p.54 of the user's manual which can be download from the DXE Web site: pdf. 73, John W1FV Is t
I would like to add some additional observations to the ongoing discussion about horizontal vs. vertical antennas on 160. At the KC1XX contest station where I operate the low bands (160 and 80), we j
The statement that the half of a horizontal dipole's radiation is vertically polarized is misleading and needs qualification. There is a vertically polarized component off the ends of the dipole but
In considering the *total power* radiated by any antenna, you need to look at the 3-dimensional antenna pattern, not a 2-dimensional slice. The total radiated power is the 3-dimensional integration o
JC, You said: " Every dipole or inverted V irradiate 50% of the power horizontal polarized broadside with the wire and 50% of the power vertical polarized along the wire." You cited EZNEC as evidence
Jim, I use Gigavac GH-1 vacuum relays for detuning my TX antennas when receiving. The contact closure/release time is 6 msec. You have to dial in enough QSK delay in your radio so that you don't hot-
The user's manual I wrote for the YCCC low-band receiving array contains a section on detuning antennas that are near the receiving array. You can download the manual at: https://static.dxengineering
On 160 I've used a vertical wire of 20 feet with a 1000 pF variable capacitor to detune a tower at its base. You can scale that to 80. 73, John W1FV Hi again, This may not be possible to answer with
The BCC splitter design suggested by PC2A is based on the "magic tee" splitter. An excellent tutorial on magic tee splitters can be found on W8JI's Web site:
It just realized that the number of turns I specified (in my post below) to use on the Fair-Rite binocular core will be a tight fit inside the core. The number should be scaled down as follows: 5 tur
I have an 8-circle array in the woods. The tallest trees in my area are about 60-70 feet, so your trees might be larger and denser than mine. However, my system works very well, judging by the fact t