We set our own standards for what constitutes a valid QSO (within the rules and regs) and we know what we have accomplished. We don't have to quit just because others are claiming credit for QSOs th
I have to decide whether to go to the Tampa hamfest or stay home for the contest. As I'll only be running low power this year I figure my best chances are stations near me in the Caribbean. Haven't o
Too many frequencies and they'd have to wait a while to make sure the station that could hear them wasn't receiving at that moment. Besides, they have so much line noise there they can't hear much. I
I time-stretched your recording 4X and put 10 seconds of the result into an MP3 recording. http://kr1s.kearman.com/html/echo.html The second echo near the end appeared only once. There's also a sonog
While it is good news that so many hams are building exceptional stations for the low bands, I worry that people who can't build exceptional stations will shy away for fear they cannot make contacts
That's not what I said and that's not what I want to hear. I want to hear more activity on the low bands. Amateur HF activity is declining. Why? What can we do to stimulate activity? I don't think c
If you only want the WWV forecasts, they're at http://www.sec.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/wwv.txt They load fast. You can see the auroras graphically at http://sec.noaa.gov/pmap/pmapN.html and http://sec
Getting down to specifics, what would you (and others) suggest? Not to be an apologist for them, but they do publish John's and Jeff's books. John's book, being more technical, probably has broader
Checked Vlad's and your coordinates on QRZ. Yours: 47.259478 N, 119.724751 W Vlad's: 40.825588 N, 83.298666 E The great-circle short-path bearing from you is 342.8 degrees. Distance is 6189 mi (9960
I think they are referring to the dissimilar voice-mode subbands on several bands; eg, 75 and 40. That requires split operation. IMO that isn't all bad as it gives the DX a place to ragchew when the
The RM talks about regulation, not voluntary bandplans. I too found it odd that ARRL felt it unnecessary to partition 160 -- and only 160 -- by bandwidth. See my previous post re voluntary bandplans.
I'm contemplating a balloon-supported vertical where the base will be ~1/4 wave above ground. I plan to use two symmetrical 1/4-wave horizontal radials. The vertical element will be supported above t
It looks as though you spent quite a bit of time, Tom, for which we should thank you. I'd previously commented on RM-11306 but ignored RM-11305 because it looked ridiculous. You inspired me to send F
Yet more than once recently, Topband posters have asked the Big Guns to stand by and give newcomers a break in pileups. IMO, the main reason 160 isn't as cacaphonous as the HF bands is the relative d
Interesting, if non-technical, Stanford press release about the effects of gamma-ray bursts from neutron stars, and terrestrial lightning, on the ionosphere, on Science Daily. http://www.sciencedaily
W1AW 160-meter frequency change put on hold (Mar 1, 2006) -- QRX on that W1AW QSY! Maxim Memorial Station W1AW has rescinded recently announced plans to change its 160-meter CW frequency starting Mon
SAFETY FIRST Living in South Florida, I've become used to incredible electrical storms. The o.p. mentioned standing under his patio roof. It bears repeating that the safest place to be is indoors, aw
IMO, pound for pound, the W7IUV preamp is the deal of the century. I've built a few of them, using 2N3725As and 2N5109s. I even cascaded a 5109 driving a 3725A to use as a bench preamp.2N3725As are n
I used to live on a hilltop that was line of sight to a 1080-kHz BC station a few miles away. I had a large tiltable-rotatable unshielded tunable wire loop that could null it >30 dB. _BUT_ this was a
A while ago, someone posted a recommended bandplan for 160 m. I lost it, and would appreciate an emailed copy. Thanks. 73, Jim, KR1S http://kr1s.kearman.com/ _________________________________________