That is the right question! Is this a scam?Sorry I get many scams in the past year. Fred KB4QZH -- Original message --From: Admin <> Date: 1/28/21 1:50 PM (GMT-05:00) To: topband@contesti
George, I'm looking forward to my 2nd C6AGU RIB (Radio In a Box) QSO in the upcoming Spring STEW using your teams amazing example of remote operation technologies. I'll be using my 80' vertical total
Called a Double L. This is the earliest article on it I remember. Others out there as well. Patrick, W7TMT Guy (K2AV) - I rea
Ooops, sorry about the cut and paste error. This link should work. ________________________________ From: Topband <
Jim, our Mothers love us no matter how inelegant the interface. Yes, that's a very nice unit, although not even the programmer's mother could like the UI. :) 73, Jim K9YC _________________ Searchable
I'm looking to improve my receive situation on 160. Given the numerous limitations to my location it appears my best chance of seeing any improvement might be a small loop. All of the designs specify
BTW, if you were to use that wire size and admit it publicly youll quickly be told it has too little surface area for use on 160 and the vendor will even add a note to their Web site saying so. No m
Regarding the helium Be advised the gas used by the party stores these days is almost always a mixture and not pure helium. Thats means considerably less lift. Youll likely need to source the good st
As others have mentioned losing the balloon and/or getting hung up in nearby hazards is a serious risk. Consider this, learned from flying them from my sailboat. What if the tether point for the ball
Based on my experience with my own call sign I would beg to differ. When I was looking to change calls because the previous one was busted so frequently I stumbled on an unused call that seemed to ha
I run an 80' high vertical on 160M from my sailboat in the saltwater of Puget Sound/Salish Sea near Seattle. After experimenting with a number of different saltwater connections I've simplified it to
I only deploy it when needed. Im lucky to be able to put antennas up at all so they go up on contest weekend Fridays and come down on Monday. I do leave the ground hanging over the side and lower it
Lower solar wind speed perhaps? Carl, K9LA has an interesting article linking solar dynamic pressure/solar wind speed to 160M propagation predictions. It is found here:
W7DRA isn't far from me so he's usually pretty loud. Early last year I got a radio with a spectrum display. I soon realized I could always tell where he was on the band as I could see his signal glid
You guys rocked! S9 up to +20 here in the Seattle area for hours. Only signal from KH6/7 like that, for that long, came from the legendary Jack Wheeler, KH6CC. Big shoes to fill. I'm guessing your to
Perhaps a case of not letting perfection get in the way of good enough. Seems like once computer modeling became mainstream folks are less likely to just wing it, forgetting the innumerable successes
Kevin, W1DED has posted a great video interview recorded live via Starlink with Craig, K9CT live from the CY9C operation. Well worth the time if anyone questions the dedication and sacrifice these te
George, If you have a moment a few more details about the feed-point amplifier would be appreciated. Is this a custom unit or an of-the-shelf commercial unit please? Thanks for your time. Patrick, W7
George, Thanks for your response. In my situation the commercial option is what I can best manage. I have several other KD9SV designs and they have been great. Tim, thanks for the choke suggestion. 7
There may be a disconnect between N1MM and the ARRL Robot. I had the same experience. The .log file output from N1MM creates the log with nothing in that field even though it prompts for the "R" when