snip........... You make a good point Pete. Our beloved "League" has enough on it's plate without having to risk its advertising revenues by calling it the way they see it. snip.............. I compl
Author: (by way of Bill Tippett <>)
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 16:40:57 -0500
Jeff: I did the W8JI mod to my FT1000D earlier this week. I was a bit stumped by the initial instructions as I wasn't sure that the 1.5k resistor was supposed to go between the base and the collector
Author: (by way of Bill Tippett <>)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 16:03:06 -0500
Jim: I'm not familiar with the article that you are referencing but I use a trap in my 160/80m Inv L. The vert leg is 60ft and the trap is placed at the top of the vert section. I wound my trap on a
Author: (by way of Bill Tippett <>)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 18:23:25 -0500
Tom: I am curious about your statement regarding additional loss as a result of using a low Q trap. You stated that the loss at the non-trapped frequency, in this case 160 meters would be insignifica
I use 17 ga alum for my beverages. For radials I also opted to use 14ga PVC jacketed copper for ease of attachment to a common point as well as for durability and corrosion resistance. Gregg W6IZT --
I've learned that if you want to install radials quickly its a two man job. As stated in an earlier post I use 14ga PVC covered solid copper wire. The attachment point is a square ring of 3/4 in copp
Author: (by way of Bill Tippett <>)
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 23:15:47 +0000
I think LY7Z and others have made an inocent mistake, and after all there is really nothing at stake. Perhaps a statement from the contest organizers is in order and this should be addressed in the r
--part1_9b.1c767c78.28fdf8c8_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am in the process of planning my antennas for a new qth. There is a 55 ft crank-up
The insulators that K8GG referred to are made by Antenna Mart in GA. They are also available from Allen Bond at MaxGain Systems in Marietta GA 73 Gregg _______________________________________________
All: I am planning on using a c31xr as top-loading on a 65 ft tower shunt fed on 160m. 1) I understand that I need to ground the parasitic elements. Do I need to ground all of the parasitic elements
All: I am having problems accurately modeling a shunt fed tower using EZNEC. I suspect that most of the errors I am seeing result from modeling the tower as a solid structure. Can anyone provide me w
Bill: I used your information and found the output from EZNEC accurately modeled my existing tower on 160. It appears that by altering the spacing of the shunt wire slightly and changing the value of
the windows in the line will lock onto the ribs of a dogbone insulator. I often use them for supports. Go to your local HW store and get some #6 or #8 machine screws/lag bolts. These have one end thr