Hi Rick It is not recommended to tilt and elevate the loop. There is two reasons it improve the signal to noise ratio, First is the attenuation of the vertical component at the same direction you ar
Mike Very interesting signal. I tuned on 3260 and the radar signal was very strong and let's say unique, two bursts, one narrow band another wide band. It turns out that I am testing several preampli
Hi Eugene I heard Toshi very well last year several days long path SSE/SSW around 11:30z. If you have a chance tell him to set some SSE/SSW RX antennas for NA, Regards JC N4IS Today XW8BM makes a cal
160 stopped becoming the "Gentleman's Band" ever since mainstream manufacturers started incoroporating a spot marked "160" on the front of their rigs & linears... <<< 100% disagree.. 160m is a gentl
Because the southern magnetic pole is just off the coast of Antarctica and directly south of Australia, the SSW long path crosses through the auroral belt and this long path is significantly affected
It will be soon enough that we will be having the conversation about not only remote operation but robotic QSO making software. Is is really and truly a RADIO CONTEST if you cannot possibly make a "
"" RHR requires a log in name, password, and they watch IPs. After some early abuse, they started checking to be sure the name and password come from the same IP or IP pool as the user name and passw
AND and this is the' "ÄND" not the end yet but very close. ".RHR posted DXCC ARRL now allowing you to be anywhere and contact count for Award' I'm afraid we will lose our privileges, the only thing t
The original plan submitted for approval was denied because the wires could impact the birds in the island, final and approved plan was based on vertical only for low bands and fiberglass protected
I think propagation should be taken in consideration on 160, nowadays has been hard to work Europe form Florida, I don't remember propagation so difficult like the one we are experiencing during this
Hi Ray I would say TX3A did balanced 160m activity and proved that it is possible to achieve using dedicated RX antenna for the location of the DX expedition, most DX expeditions does not pay attenti
Radio.<< I'm sorry for you!. I'm alive, we are alive. Ham Radio is more exciting and alive than ever. 700.000 licensed in US only. Don't look in the mirror, just do what works for you. Ham Radio is
Hi Alfeo On top band we use a inverted L and on 80m a vertical with a parasite reflector.We have the feeling that ous signal is strong enough << I appreciate your effort on 160m, actually I am follow
The flag, EWW, K9AY and others loaded loop antenna are indeed two non-resonant phased vertical phased 180 degree resulting in a cardioid pattern that provide directivity and a good F/B. When you have
Mike An Inverted V does have the same lobe horizontal and vertical but they are 90 degree apart, If you run EZENEC and change description option to Ver. Hor. and Total field, you will see that at 0 d
Just two years DU7ET worked WAS on 160m using an inverted V. Robert had a good signal long path almost every day for six months. By the way , he told me he will be active from DU7ET again starting is
Thanks Bill There is another video about Maunder minimum coming fast. As you can hear on the video paid Scientist are paid to say so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MARk49q5FFY 73's JC N4IS --Origin
Hi Larry You right, I sent my comments to the board. The main rule I would like to see implemented it the one in place, or almost in place I should say it. All 160m QSL cards are verified by a certif
I am using vacuum capacitor, you can find them on e-bay around $200. But I have used small NPO capacitor in parallel for several years. With the right material that can handle current on 1.8 MHz. Mos
over the roof can be very disappointing.< Tom is 100% right, one of the best rood top signal on top band is from 9M2AX. Ross tested several antennas and the only one that worked well was the inverte