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References: [ +from:DBELBAS@citygw.City.Winnipeg.MB.CA: 1 ]

Total 1 documents matching your query.

1. TopBand: rcvr pre-amp schematic missing (score: 1)
Author: DBELBAS@citygw.City.Winnipeg.MB.CA (Derrick Belbas)
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 1997 08:35:38 -0500
Hi. I put together a pre-amp, based on a design I saw in CQ or QST a year or three back, a two-stage circuit, one of which was built around a MC1350. Lost the schematic. Anyone remember this one? Wha
/archives//html/Topband/1997-10/msg00139.html (6,933 bytes)

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