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Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. [TenTec] Orion rf gain and inherent noise (score: 1)
Author: (steve hammer)
Date: Sat Jun 7 14:22:33 2003
Hello All: I have noticed that if I turn the RF Gain down to zero, as I am doing so, I hear a variety of changes in the background noise of the receiver. If you are listening to a reasonably strong s
/archives//html/TenTec/2003-06/msg00267.html (7,005 bytes)

2. [TenTec] Re: Orion rf gain and inherent noise (score: 1)
Author: (steve hammer)
Date: Sat Jun 7 18:13:55 2003
it is if all that noise you hear when the rf gain was turned down were gone. It would seem that the base level of white noise in the receiver is quite high, but I am not an engineer or that technica
/archives//html/TenTec/2003-06/msg00283.html (8,275 bytes)

3. [TenTec] Orion Wish List (score: 1)
Author: (steve hammer)
Date: Mon Jun 9 19:21:06 2003
Here's my short list of software changes/features that I'd like to see: 1. manual transmit key 2. bandscope active on all receivers, main, b and sub; switchable 3. two bandscopes: 1 for A, 1 switchab
/archives//html/TenTec/2003-06/msg00341.html (6,920 bytes)

4. [TenTec] Orion: sweep sensitivity (score: 1)
Author: (steve hammer)
Date: Sun May 18 20:09:13 2003
Is there a way to increase the sensitivity of the sweep bandscope function? I would be easier to spot weaker signals by being able to boost and adjuste the gain of the display. KG6ENA
/archives//html/TenTec/2003-05/msg00633.html (7,165 bytes)

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