We will be having a Special Memorial Day 20 meter SSB net today at 2PM ET on 14.325. I will be on at 1:30PM ET to start taking early checkins. This is Memorial Day and it is a day when we remember al
Bill, thank you for your service USAF. God bless you and thank you for checking into the net today. John D. Occhipinti, K3UR Net Manager, ten_tec Amateur Radio Nets QRZ Page: http://www.qrz.com/db/k3
This is a reminder that I will be conducting 2 Special Event nets today to celebrate the 240th Birthday of America, 1776-2016. The 40 meter SSB net starts at 1PM ET on 7.263. I will be on at 12:30PM
Mike, thank you for taking the time to give us all an honest update on the status of TEN-TEC. As Net Manager of the 10 weekly TEN-TEC Nets, I want to assure you that I and all of our hundreths of TEN
Mike N8WFF, as Founder and Net Manager of the 9 Weekly TEN-TEC Nets that we started 5 years ago, I want you to know that the thousands of people who check into our nets each week are behind you in yo
Mike N8WFF, as Founder and Net Manager of the 9 Weekly TEN-TEC Nets that we started 5 years ago, I want you to know that the thousands of people who check into our nets each week are behind you in yo
Bill, we are so sorry for the loss of your father. Yes, it is approptiate for you to list any ham gear for sale on this Group. I trust you will find buyers for this gear and as I can see, the prices
It sounds like the new Owner of TEN-TEC is pricing himself right out of the Amateur Radio market with this over priced Omni VII+. This is just my opinion after personally knowing the former Owner of