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References: [ +from:w4au: 81 ] [ at: 7142 ] [ 90 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] Virginia QSO Party - 2003 (score: 137)
Author: w4au at (John Unger)
Date: Mon Mar 10 14:05:22 2003
Please try to get on for the 2003 edition of the Virginia QSO Party, which will be held this weekend: 1800Z 3/15/03 - 0200Z 3/17/03. Check for rules, etc. Basi
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00066.html (7,429 bytes)

2. [Trlog] more omni 6 plus woes (score: 137)
Author: w4au at (John Unger)
Date: Tue Mar 25 08:25:52 2003
John - Ron changed the way in which TR reads Icom radios (the Omni VI uses Icom-like commands for radio control) beginning with version 6.72. You should try setting radio type to IC781 rather than th
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00107.html (7,958 bytes)

3. [Trlog] Icom 706MKIIG interface for TR (score: 136)
Author: w4au at (John Unger)
Date: Mon Mar 3 11:28:41 2003
I am trying to put together an interface for a IC706 to use with TR. I would like to be able to use one serial port for both the frequency read out and keying. I am trying to use the serial port volt
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00021.html (8,779 bytes)

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