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References: [ +from:olinger: 96 ] [ at: 7142 ] [ 17 ]

Total 5 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] Watching an old friend slowly die (score: 180)
Author: olinger at (
Date: Fri Feb 21 12:58:46 2003
Unnecessarily? Meaning I could have phrased it nicer? Or that it's not going away for me as I stated it was? I'm not telling you any lies. It's going away for me, and for others who have posted to me
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00077.html (11,919 bytes)

2. [Trlog] While they're fresh... (score: 178)
Author: olinger at (
Date: Mon Mar 3 14:25:34 2003
CTL and left SHIFT are NOT together on all keyboards. Think maybe something on the side of the keyboard, hooked up to the footswitch, IS the route to go. Not sure what single key could be preempted f
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00031.html (14,868 bytes)

3. [Trlog] Serial Port Network is Asymmetric?! (score: 175)
Author: olinger at (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Mon Jun 30 20:23:52 2003
Bios settings will prevail with boot to dos. Dos will know nothing about them. Bios settings will sometime override Windows settings. Windows settings do not modify the bios. 73, Guy. Not are 'power
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00070.html (8,070 bytes)

4. [Trlog] While they're fresh... (score: 175)
Author: olinger at (
Date: Mon Mar 3 17:03:49 2003
Probably misstated on my part. Since I don't think a single key could be preempted for this function... probably some kind of microswitch thing next to the keyboard, paralleled with the footswitch, w
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00036.html (8,950 bytes)

5. [Trlog] TR alwasy turns off the RIT on the 1000MP (score: 175)
Author: olinger at (
Date: Mon Feb 24 15:54:15 2003
I believe Mike is complaining about turning it OFF, not clearing (reseting offset to zero) it. I wonder what happens when one uses the front panel buttons and punches up 140000 and hits enter? Have t
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00126.html (9,256 bytes)

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