- 1. [TRLog] Opps! (score: 1)
- Author: n9tu@qsl.net (Jerry Fray)
- Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 17:57:07 -0500
- RE: my previous post and comments abt the server probs. Nothing wrong with the server, the problem was ALL on my end. My apologies to AL and the gang at QSL.NET -- -73- Jerry N9TU http://www.si-net.c
- /archives//html/TRLog/1998-04/msg00023.html (6,394 bytes)
- 2. [TRLog] Re: win-95 (fwd) (score: 1)
- Author: n9tu@qsl.net (Jerry Fray)
- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 19:19:21 -0500
- George and the list - This is a Windows 95 gig. Even when you are "dropped to DOS" (especially in the case where there was NO previous DOS), WIN 95 controls the ports. If this is a newer motherboard
- /archives//html/TRLog/1998-02/msg00124.html (7,451 bytes)
- 3. [TRLog] Radio Hookup (score: 1)
- Author: n9tu@qsl.net (Jerry Fray)
- Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 18:56:43 -0500
- This was a VERY well written project for Kenwoods! Did you or anyone else do this for Icom and Yaesu radios?? -- -73- Jerry N9TU http://www.si-net.com/~jefray/homepage.htm "No Code - No HF....Know C
- /archives//html/TRLog/1997-12/msg00091.html (8,211 bytes)
- 4. [TRLog] Icom CI-V software (score: 1)
- Author: n9tu@qsl.net (Jerry Fray)
- Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 12:39:26 -0500
- Hi Gang - John Wilson, KN4HX has a program written for use with the Icom CI-V device. It is available on my website on the Ham Radio Links page as CI-V.ZIP. Here is a brief decscription: CI-V is an I
- /archives//html/TRLog/1997-10/msg00027.html (6,811 bytes)
- 5. [TRLog] SBDVP Trlog sound card software upgrade (fwd) (score: 1)
- Author: n9tu@qsl.net (Jerry Fray)
- Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 18:12:24 -0500
- Hi George and the Group - I went to this site to download sbdvp091.zip and it's no longer there. There are however three other files name 092, 093 and 094. The FTP directory is : ftp://fermi.la.asu.e
- /archives//html/TRLog/1997-10/msg00072.html (7,699 bytes)
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