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References: [ +from:Wa3aan: 39 ] [ at: 7142 ] [ 45 ]

Total 10 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] 9k contest (score: 153)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Mon Mar 31 08:53:05 2003
I was trying my luck at writting a CFG file for this new contest. I thought that "add domestic country = 9k " would give me a multiplier status for that country. It seems not. Would someone know what
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00114.html (6,105 bytes)

2. [Trlog] YV contest prefix mults (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Wed Jul 2 18:43:30 2003
Can anyone help me configure YV0 thru YV9 as mults in the TR program for the upcoming YV contest ? I think the Russian DX contest in general will work the best for most of the other parameters. Thank
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00018.html (6,150 bytes)

3. [Trlog] Prefix mults (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Thu Jul 3 10:11:56 2003
Is there a way to define your own Prefix mults? This would solve the problem of scoring the YV prefix mults for this weekends contest. Grant WA3AAN
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00025.html (6,055 bytes)

4. [Trlog] GLQP DOM file (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Tue Jun 3 12:33:33 2003
This is for Great lake states ... Remove the remaining state list for out of the GL regions ..... 73 Grant WA3AAN
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00003.html (6,052 bytes)

5. [Trlog] GLQP DOM FILE (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Tue Jun 3 12:36:07 2003
This is for Great lake states ... Remove the remaining state list for out of the GL regions ..... 73 Grant WA3AAN -- next part -- ALCMi = ALCMi ALGMi = ALGMi ALLMi = ALLMi ALPMi = ALPMi ANTMi = ANTMi
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00004.html (18,153 bytes)

6. [Trlog] Thanks (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Fri Jun 13 09:45:41 2003
All the Best Ron Grant WA3AAN
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00022.html (5,859 bytes)

7. [Trlog] SETCOMM Using PCI Serial / LPT Cards with TRLog (Yes youcan!) (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Tue Jun 17 20:36:42 2003
Max ... would you send me a copy also ... tnanks 73 Grant WA3AAN
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00045.html (6,571 bytes)

8. [Trlog] Great Lakes QSO Party (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Mon May 26 01:28:43 2003
Has anyone out there compiled a DOM file for the GLQP ... If not I'll try to have one done by Test time. 73 Grant WA3AAN
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-05/msg00037.html (6,244 bytes)

9. [Trlog] Great Lakes QSO Party (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Tue May 27 18:40:16 2003
Thanks Jim .... this will help immensely ... 73 Grant WA3AAN
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-05/msg00045.html (6,165 bytes)

10. [Trlog] UBA Post (score: 152)
Author: Wa3aan at (
Date: Sun Feb 23 08:54:51 2003
I was running Post for the UBA contest and got the error message "too many mults enabled." I am using the latest verison. I went back to an earlier version and had the same error message. My cfg file
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00113.html (6,752 bytes)

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