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References: [ +from:WG0M: 73 ] [ at: 7141 ] [ 45 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] Thanks Ron (score: 152)
Author: WG0M at (
Date: Thu Jun 12 22:17:14 2003
Best wishes, God bless and thank you for being there. 73's Michael WG0M
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00018.html (5,811 bytes)

2. [Trlog] CTY List (score: 152)
Author: WG0M at (
Date: Sun Feb 9 08:17:39 2003
Hi All: My CTY.dat file is dated 7/02. I suspect that is old. Where can I get an updated list? I'd like to get it updated before this weekend contest. BTW, I am running 6.72. Thanks in advance 73's M
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00029.html (6,056 bytes)

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