75 feet of 3/4 inch 75 ohn hardline UNUSED and sealed with connectors when cut. $100 Gary - WB4SQ 770-842-0872 Won't be at the hamfest tomorrow due to a vet appointment.
Anyone have a spare piece of preferable thick wall 1-3/4" (or even 1-1/2") OD aluminum tubing? Would like to finally put up the 6M quad this weekend. Gary - WB4SQ
Let's see how many ATL area hams can spot my high school friend (George KB4LRE) ?who will be in the boneyard selling his wares out of a Honda with Florida tags and trailer.? He's tall, muscular,?has
A BIG Thanks goes out the?exclusive and sometimes elusive "gang of six" for helping raise my 5 element 6 meter quad yesterday in the 'summer' heat.? Pizza & beer was consumed afterwards.? Design freq
I'd say go for it.? Keep the logs. It has been brought to my attention that I posted a facebook posting stating that the GQP was on the air and I listed the suggested GQP frequencies, and I mentioned
? ? ? ? ? ? -- next part -- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/secc/attachments/20120428/ea453905/attachment.html
I prefer the old way of sending a relative on the DXpedition ->? "already in the log" TO ALL HAMS-- ?ANNOUNCEMENT: I am beta testing my computer code for my latest software program, "AUTO-WORK-EM." ?