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Total 499 documents matching your query.

361. [SECC] Changes in Membership, SECC (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:48:34 -0500
Good deal, the more the merrier.. hi. I pass along the good things about SECC (everything in my opinion) to anyone that makes a noise about contesting. Dan/W4NTI
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00358.html (8,096 bytes)

362. [SECC] Alabama QSO Party (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 19:16:34 -0500
We certainly need to do something. Does anyone know how many members, or interested folks, there are in AL into contesting??? I am willing to help out. I have lots of time. I know nothing about how t
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00360.html (10,551 bytes)

363. [SECC] CQWW RTTY Results (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 19:43:59 -0500
I am aware the band is quite limited in Europe. I spent SIX YEARS there operating most of that time. My call was DA2LJ. My point is this; in recent years the RTTY crowd has been moving further down t
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00361.html (9,635 bytes)

364. [SECC] 40M Bandplan <was> CQWW RTTY Results (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 18:52:20 -0500
I think it is more of a problem than that....I don't think they know enough CW to recognize it as such. Dan/W4NTI
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00378.html (8,142 bytes)

365. [SECC] Alabama QSO Party (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 18:52:35 -0500
Sounds like a plan to me......the circle and SECC sponsorship with AL hams running it. Good plan. Dan/W4NTI -- -- -- --
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00379.html (9,828 bytes)

366. [SECC] Alabama QSO Party (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 18:52:43 -0500
Is this mainly because they are out of the circle??? Dan/W4NTI contest results page. These stations submitted a score in SS or ARRL DX during the past couple years. There are many well know calls her
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00380.html (13,152 bytes)

367. [SECC] California QSO Party (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 21:51:35 -0500
I intend to operate the CQP within constraints of 'family' obligations. Dan/W4NTI
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00384.html (8,836 bytes)

368. [SECC] California QSO Party (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 21:52:59 -0500
OK, Lets take a vote.....W4OC or K4WI....This should start a fine discussion. Dan/W4NTI me no the 73's
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00385.html (8,490 bytes)

369. [SECC] Alabama QSO Party (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 17:39:09 -0500
Sounds logical to me. Dan/W4NTI seriously and how it would benefit our club score. would want him in the circle for ARRL contests - like SS. Now we need to figure out - does Cort do more DX type cont
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00396.html (9,576 bytes)

370. [SECC] HZ1AB (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 17:28:01 -0500
I think it is more likely they are shutting down ANY source of international communications that the military can't directly control. We are in a war you know. Dan/W4NTI commercial
/archives//html/SECC/2004-09/msg00424.html (9,103 bytes)

371. [SECC] FW: NAQP CW W4NTI Single Op LP (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 19:31:48 -0500
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00044.html (7,093 bytes)

372. [SECC] Bad day at NAQP (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 19:24:47 -0500
Now thats funny....unfortunate but funny.....At least you didn't do what I did once. Submitted my whole log with 1 hour offset in the times. Ahhh the joys of being a check log. Dan/W4NTI still set at
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00059.html (10,086 bytes)

373. [SECC] Vanity call question (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 21:01:23 -0500
Hey all you experts out there......Back in the 80s I was assigned a KX6 call from Kwajelein Island while I was working out there. That area is now V73, and not under the KX6 (us) system any longer. Q
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00066.html (6,397 bytes)

374. [SECC] Bad day at NAQP (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 21:01:40 -0500
I liked that part of 'declaring victory and looking for a place to surrender'. Dan/W4NTI contest.
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00067.html (8,761 bytes)

375. [SECC] Vanity call question (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 17:52:49 -0500
I should have been more specific. KX6 with a two letter suffix. So if the KX6 2x1 is issued than I would suppose KX6?? would also be available, right? Dan/W4NTI
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00070.html (7,154 bytes)

376. [SECC] FW: WAE CW W4NTI Single Op HP (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 20:26:24 -0500
My N3EQF program sucks for this contest. I didn't even bother doing the QTC part. Oh well, had a nice warm up for SS.. hi. Dan/W4NTI
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00084.html (7,184 bytes)

377. [SECC] NAQP Teams SSB UPDATE 2 (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 17:41:55 -0500
Put me down for part time.j Dan/W4NTI
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00101.html (7,403 bytes)

378. [SECC] CT-10 (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 19:58:10 -0500
I just downloaded CT-10. Can anyone give me a quick how to play with it run through? I would like to play with it on NAQP SSB. Since I never push hard on a SSB contest anyway, well you get the drift.
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00102.html (6,275 bytes)

379. [SECC] NAQP - Good Luck everyone. (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 14:53:27 -0500
Tell me about it. Propagation is in the pits. Dan/W4NTI
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00113.html (7,209 bytes)

380. [SECC] FW: NAQP SSB W4NTI Single Op LP (score: 67)
Author: w4nti at (Daniel Jeswald)
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 19:17:52 -0500
hammer, 40
/archives//html/SECC/2004-08/msg00128.html (7,306 bytes)

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