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Total 215 documents matching your query.

61. [SECC] [CQ-Contest] Upcoming Contests for Mobiles (fwd) (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:04:55 -0400 (EDT)
John, Did we change the dates for the GQP ? Seem to recall some talk about moving it out of the heat of the summer (great idea). I'm going to get a new mobile antenna and might be interested in doing
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00032.html (15,498 bytes)

62. [SECC] Re:Walmart ISP (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:53:41 -0400 (EDT)
Just a note from someone who IS an ISP.... There is no business case for $9.95 Internet unless you oversell your bandwidth and lines. It may be fast today or when W4AX is using it, but I promise it w
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00035.html (8,486 bytes)

63. [SECC] Re:Walmart ISP (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:23:15 -0400 (EDT)
She has her email client configured wrong. If she is on Earthlink, she has to send mail through an earthlink mail server. If she is on Bellsouth, she has to send mail through a Bellsouth server. Usin
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00041.html (8,266 bytes)

64. [SECC] Re:Walmart ISP (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 13:36:51 -0400 (EDT)
BTW Ed, I'm deploying wireless high speed internet access in north Georgia right now. Still working on some technical issues, but should have it QRV next month some time. I'll have spots on Sawnee mo
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00043.html (8,437 bytes)

65. [SECC] Re: WRTC (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 22:12:19 -0400 (EDT)
Is K4UEE not a member of this club? Go figure. 73 Bill
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00055.html (6,304 bytes)

66. [SECC] Interesting Idea Dept (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 01:24:17 -0400 (EDT)
As I mentioned earlier, I'm working on some wireless high speed internet access for Cumming and points north. One of the things that this opens up for the club is opportunity for us all to communicat
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00057.html (7,969 bytes)

67. [SECC] Interesting Idea Dept (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 18:42:23 -0400 (EDT)
You might ask around to see if there isn't a fairly unused repeater with this capability already. I'll bet there is. Might be fun to have a weekly schedule using these repeaters. Seems like I remembe
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00064.html (7,272 bytes)

68. [SECC] WPX (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 20:26:37 -0400 (EDT)
Uhhhhhhh.... Ummmmmmmm..... I missed the announcement that it had changed from May to April. John, we need to cancel our plans to do M/S. I can't be ready by next weekend. :) 73 Bill
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00077.html (7,026 bytes)

69. [SECC] WPX (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 11:35:17 -0400 (EDT)
I already am, so don't sweat it. :) 73 Bill
/archives//html/SECC/2002-04/msg00080.html (6,590 bytes)

70. [SECC] trip to 3B8 (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 22:03:34 -0500 (EST)
I have an IC-706 you can take. Can you find a 220v to 12v PS ? 73
/archives//html/SECC/2002-03/msg00075.html (6,771 bytes)

71. [SECC] 160 plan (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 18:20:25 -0500 (EST)
I agree Dave. W8JI, W4ZV, and K1ZM not withstanding... there are about .0000000000000000000000000000000001% of hams affected by the CQ 160 SSB contest or the NAQP SSB contest. Are there others that a
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00014.html (10,329 bytes)

72. [SECC] Re: Southern Sprint Coalition (SSC) (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 17:12:54 -0500 (EST)
Bad news: K1TO is QRTango. He had to choose between Orlando Hamfest and us, and he picked Orlando. My feelings are hurt, yes. But so far I've resisted the temptation to remove him from my IM buddy li
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00028.html (7,618 bytes)

73. [SECC] Re: Southern Sprint Coalition (SSC) (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 13:21:14 -0500 (EST)
Hello everyone. I'll try to be on tonight, but I'll be doing it remotely from home. Makes logging QSOs impossible, but I'll hand out a few. Stay tuned for team assignments. There are a few guys on th
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00034.html (8,618 bytes)

74. [SECC] RTTY (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 13:34:54 -0500 (EST)
Suggest everyone make use of the extra portion of the band this Saturday night. The RTTY guys will make copying weak back scatter signals difficult up high. 73 Bill -- SECC on the Web:
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00036.html (6,456 bytes)

75. [SECC] Southern Sprint Coalition Teams (final) (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 23:29:05 -0500 (EST)
Note: I swapped W9WI and K4NO. Doug is going to W4CAT and will have a bigger station and amp. This is our final breakdown. Reminder: WPX RTTY is this weekend, so please use the extra band if you can.
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00041.html (9,647 bytes)

76. [SECC] New Record !!! (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 14:34:26 -0500 (EST)
OK, I am still missing K4BAI and KT3Y. But with 8 scores we have 134,512 points. The record is 158,051. With margin for lost QSOs, that means we should have the record. I figure K4BAI and KT3Y will h
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00046.html (6,755 bytes)

77. [SECC] Team #2 (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 14:37:36 -0500 (EST)
Team #2 is at 93,802 with missing scores from W4AU, W5WMU, and W4OC. Figuring an average of 13,500 for the three, that would put team #2 at 134,512. Easily putting them in the Top-3 I would guess. I'
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00047.html (6,770 bytes)

78. [SECC] Southern Sprint Coalition Team #1 Score (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 12:08:44 -0500 (EST)
A few of us decided after the last CW Sprint to pool resources to field an all south (mostly SE) CW Sprint team. This was insprired partly because we were having trouble fielding 10 man teams from ea
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00051.html (8,161 bytes)

79. [SECC] ARRL-DX CW (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:48:55 -0500 (EST)
The 3 or 4 hours before the contest starts and as much as you want when its over. 73 Bill -- SECC on the Web: Submissions: Administrative requests: se
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00068.html (7,080 bytes)

80. [SECC] ARRL-DX CW (score: 1)
Author: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:22:33 -0500 (EST)
OK, one problem with this... The best opening of the contest from a low power station perspective could happen while he is sleeping on 20 meters. If it were me, I would consider sleeping the 2nd nigh
/archives//html/SECC/2002-02/msg00070.html (8,938 bytes)

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