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Total 177 documents matching your query.

41. [SECC] GQP changes (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 08:21:24 -0500
Plaques should be awarded even if there is only one entry in a category. As has been pointed out, a contestant should not be penalized just because he/she has the only entry in a category. In fact it
/archives//html/SECC/2005-12/msg00075.html (10,333 bytes)

42. [SECC] K4OGG Stew Perry (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 15:59:19 -0500
Low power, nearly eight hours operating, nearly seven hours sleeping. 212 QSOs, 1068 points 73, Jay /K4OGG
/archives//html/SECC/2005-12/msg00158.html (5,926 bytes)

43. [SECC] Fw: SS CW KU8E Single Op LP (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 11:18:55 -0500
I have some stuff going on at work today and don't have much time -- but congratulations to Jeff and others for a great effort. I think I'll be at the bottom of the LP pile with 872 QSOs and 79 mults
/archives//html/SECC/2005-11/msg00063.html (9,341 bytes)

44. [SECC] K4OGG CWSS (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 11:47:00 -0500
I started as I always do by calling CQ on 20M. My third caller was KL7FH, which gave me a boost from the start and made me think I might mess up my record of countless CWSS contests with no clean swe
/archives//html/SECC/2005-11/msg00097.html (7,258 bytes)

45. [SECC] My First Sweepstakes - the continuing saga (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 11:35:47 -0500
Back in those days we developed a skill no longer seen in today's contesters. Sending CW, usually using a Vibroplex of some description, while holding a pencil in the hand. I used the middle two fing
/archives//html/SECC/2005-11/msg00111.html (9,050 bytes)

46. [SECC] SS Phone - planned activity (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 10:37:36 -0500
Bill's email reminded me that I was curious about whether I had been spotted during the CWSS. I checked and I was spotted a number of times, once by N4GG -- thanks Hal! 73, Jay, K4OGG
/archives//html/SECC/2005-11/msg00180.html (8,099 bytes)

47. [SECC] K4OGG CQWW CW LP (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 11:50:39 -0500
It is interesting to learn that I was not the only one who could not get a good run going. The longest run in the entire 48 hours was a one hour stretch on 20M Saturday morning. This was a sorta seri
/archives//html/SECC/2005-11/msg00288.html (8,363 bytes)

48. [SECC] Pileup behavior (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 13:55:31 -0500
I thought this was interesting, from TN neighbor Kirk K4RO, considering the recent discussion on the SECC reflector. This is a cut-and-paste from his posting on 3830. Kirk obviously heard the same th
/archives//html/SECC/2005-11/msg00317.html (6,639 bytes)

49. [SECC] W4AN - CQ Contest Hall of Fame (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 10:46:15 -0400
I will do anything I can to help this effort, monetarily, writing or whatever. Thanks for bringing it up Jeff! 73, Jay, K4OGG
/archives//html/SECC/2005-10/msg00031.html (8,156 bytes)

50. [SECC] SS Club Competition - Going for the Gavel (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 08:06:18 -0400
Current plan is for FT CW; PT phone. 73, - Jay, K4OGG
/archives//html/SECC/2005-10/msg00105.html (8,054 bytes)

51. [SECC] GQP Scores (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 10:10:07 -0400
Thanks for your work on this Mike! I know that figuring out who did what, and received what score, is a tedious and labor intensive task. Congratulations on figuring it out in a timely manner. I'll g
/archives//html/SECC/2005-08/msg00001.html (8,251 bytes)

52. [SECC] K4OGG, NAQP-CW (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 08:49:19 -0400
Saturday afternoon I shopped for a birthday present for the XYL; Saturday evening we went to dinner and a play with friends. So, as expected I was on the air for only a few minutes and tuned the band
/archives//html/SECC/2005-08/msg00039.html (6,217 bytes)

53. [SECC] GQP Plaques (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 09:16:49 -0400
I am told that the plaques for the winners of the 2005 GA QSO Party will be in the mail tomorrow, Wednesday. We owe a debt of gratitude to all the sponsors: Jeff, KU8E Tennessee Contest Group K4VGI M
/archives//html/SECC/2005-08/msg00080.html (6,596 bytes)

54. [SECC] NQ4I (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 08:36:32 -0400
How about Rick, NQ4I on the cover of the May CQ Magazine? Of course for some reason his 155 foot tower got top billing. Nice publicity for a great station -- and operator. Way to go Rick! 73, Jay, K4
/archives//html/SECC/2005-05/msg00055.html (6,323 bytes)

55. [SECC] 2006 Plaques (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 09:35:37 -0400
Is there no one in this club who is willing to spend approximately one day a year (I'm sure it takes no more than a total of 8 hours) handling plaques for the GQP? I'm asking again for a volunteer fo
/archives//html/SECC/2005-05/msg00072.html (6,048 bytes)

56. [SECC] Sweepstakes Club Competition (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 13:27:29 -0400
SECC members who have been with the club for a few years will remember that it was a result of our participation and good scores in a number of contests that allowed us to have a part in selecting th
/archives//html/SECC/2005-04/msg00175.html (11,841 bytes)

57. [SECC] GQP Plaques (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 09:10:12 -0400
This year, 2005 is the fifth year I will have handled the plaques for the GQP and it is time to let someone else in on the fun. I will not be responsible for the GQP plaques for the 2006 contest. So,
/archives//html/SECC/2005-04/msg00224.html (6,776 bytes)

58. [SECC] W4AN Club Call (was: RE: Field Day and W4AN) (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 09:18:32 -0400
And speaking of volunteering . . . the highly vaunted position of Plaque Guru (for 2006) is still open. 73, Jay, K4OGG
/archives//html/SECC/2005-04/msg00257.html (15,351 bytes)

59. [SECC] Field Day and W4AN (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 10:09:21 -0400
I don't want to be too picky here, and I'm not trying to diminish the point Jeff is making, but Bill's favorite contest was CQWW-CW. 73, Jay, K4OGG
/archives//html/SECC/2005-04/msg00260.html (12,472 bytes)

60. [SECC] New projects (score: 112)
Author: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 18:09:41 -0400
The project that is taking all my time (and money) is getting my daughter married off in July to a Marine just back from Iraq. No radio toys this year. 73, Jay, K4OGG -- Original message -- on/have p
/archives//html/SECC/2005-04/msg00291.html (7,029 bytes)

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