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Total 6 documents matching your query.

1. [SECC] SS is coming up (score: 1)
Author: (James B. Nail)
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 21:24:38 -0400
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --55FAD19C10603648DB736567 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="--763373C23120AB1BC16B80FB" --763373C23120AB1BC16B80FB Content-Type: text/plain;
/archives//html/SECC/2001-10/msg00092.html (11,641 bytes)

2. [SECC] KS4Q DX Cluster and your TNC; Please Read! (score: 1)
Author: (James Nail)
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001 10:35:40 -0400
Ernie, Thanks for the reply. I'm set-up for AB5K now, but really would like a closer cluster for propagation reasons. I guess if everyone from GA uses this cluster the info presented is useful by fil
/archives//html/SECC/2001-09/msg00001.html (11,135 bytes)

3. [SECC] ARRL DX CW (score: 1)
Author: (James Nail)
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 07:17:58 -0500
310 Q's and 164610 points was all the time I could squeak out (about 13 hours) with this vertical and 100W! I enjoyed being back in the chase after 20 years of away from Radio. I was very active in t
/archives//html/SECC/2001-02/msg00048.html (6,767 bytes)

4. [SECC] AR-Cluster Favorites (score: 1)
Author: (James Nail)
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 07:27:47 -0500
Good morning all: Assuming assisted category (!) for the contest this weekend, what AR-Cluster(S) do SECC members use most often? Has this been discussed in the past? I'd like to set up appropriate f
/archives//html/SECC/2001-02/msg00050.html (6,572 bytes)

5. [SECC] Re: [CQ-Contest] Re: [Force 12 Talk] Dayton Murphy Marauder reunion (score: 1)
Author: (James Nail)
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 08:07:12 -0500
WOW!!! What a blast from the past! Of course I remember meeting you Jim. Good to hear from you. I also didn't know Alan (HSU) was now KM2P. Well It is nice to know some oldtimers (!) are still active
/archives//html/SECC/2001-02/msg00073.html (11,474 bytes)

6. [SECC] call for operators (score: 1)
Author: (James Nail)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 20:58:33 -0500
Rick, Consider my skills good in need of a good tune-up after 20 years. Some things you just don't forget! My weakest point I consider is the computer tool used for logging these days. I used the new
/archives//html/SECC/2001-02/msg00082.html (7,890 bytes)

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