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Total 28 documents matching your query.

1. [SD-User] RNARS CW activity Contest. 15/16 NOV 1200Z TO 1200Z (score: 1)
Author: "Sid Will" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 11:42:30 -0000
This contest coincides with the INORC contest for the whole 24 hours so there should be plenty of activity RNARS members send RST and Naval Number (If you are a member of more than one naval society,
/archives//html/SD-User/2003-11/msg00012.html (7,762 bytes)

2. [SD-User] RNARS Activity Scoring (score: 1)
Author: "Sid Will" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 19:18:40 -0000
Further to my e-mail about using SD for this Contest. When you run SDCHECK at the end, produce the DUP output, not the PNT output. It will use less paper when you print it and is also easier to check
/archives//html/SD-User/2003-11/msg00013.html (6,751 bytes)

3. [SD-User] What is VQ5 (score: 1)
Author: "Sidney Will" <>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 07:20:05 -0000
I worked VQ5V on three bands in the WPX contest at the weekend. Anyone know what country it is - It might be worth more than the 1 point SD allocated. 73 de Sid GM4SID ___________
/archives//html/SD-User/2004-05/msg00033.html (6,434 bytes)

4. [SD-User] Re: Where is VQ5V (score: 1)
Author: "Sidney Will" <>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 22:45:10 -0000
Thanks to all who advised me about VQ5. I searched through the many, versions of SD on my computer and found copies of CQWW and DXCC.CTY with a date tag of 03-03-04 compared with 24-10-02 on all the
/archives//html/SD-User/2004-05/msg00035.html (6,916 bytes)

5. [SD-User] V11.0 nearly there. (score: 1)
Author: "Sidney Will" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 20:35:46 +0100
I have been trying out V11.0 and have set up as follows: Border = 1, Font = 10x18 and this gives me full screen on a 15 inch LCD screen - Better display than DOS. I have two problems though: I get co
/archives//html/SD-User/2004-08/msg00040.html (6,776 bytes)

6. [SD-User] Bingo (score: 1)
Author: "Sidney Will" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:39:42 +0100
Thanks for the tips Paul. I'm running W98se and have found why I had key down on the keying port. I didn't know about the Winkey command and I had changed WINKEY to 0 using EDIT, but in SDCONFIG.TXT.
/archives//html/SD-User/2004-08/msg00044.html (7,058 bytes)

7. [SD-User] Trial of V11.0B (score: 1)
Author: "Sidney Will" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 20:38:57 +0100
I fitted a Keying transistor into my rig control serial cable and set up V11.0B in my Packard Bell Easynote which has 1 com port only. It works fine with my FT-1000MPV and Windows 98. Purely academic
/archives//html/SD-User/2004-09/msg00005.html (6,816 bytes)

8. [SD-User] Setup for Russian DX Contest (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 19:24:00 +0000
Someone was asking for the set-up for the Russian contest this weekend. If you are ever in doubt about set-up, the first place to look is in the .MLT files within SD. So if you open RUSSIA.MLT in a t
/archives//html/SD-User/2005-03/msg00034.html (6,817 bytes)

9. [SD-User] Trouble with V 11.31 on W98SE (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2005 22:17:58 +0100
I am having the same problem with V11.31 on my Windows 98se machine as Alex G3ZBE has. Also in the History document the current update seemss to be wrongly dated. Standing by for amendment. 73 de Sid
/archives//html/SD-User/2005-06/msg00012.html (6,786 bytes)

10. [SD-User] Latest SDI.EXE (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 13:07:58 +0100
As requested, I ran a dummy IOTA and find that everything works EXCEPT the ZAP command has gone AWOL. 73 de Sid GM4SID ___________________________________________________________
/archives//html/SD-User/2005-07/msg00018.html (6,562 bytes)

11. [SD-User] Direction & Distance in SDI 11.33 (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 18:05:59 +0100
I noticed the beam headings were wildly wrong first of all. I often refer to that if I think I need to turn the beam. But then I noticed the distances were wrong also I don't think I saw one less tha
/archives//html/SD-User/2005-07/msg00039.html (6,885 bytes)

12. [SD-User] SD in the RNARS Activity Contest (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 19:20:22 +0000
There is no template for this contest and because the contest exchange is the Club Membership number e.g. "RN 1629" I suggest you use the following setuo. -- Contest type = 11 Points per CW QSO = 10
/archives//html/SD-User/2005-11/msg00031.html (7,167 bytes)

13. Re: [SD-User] SD-User Digest, Vol 38, Issue 16 (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 18:50:28 +0000
As adjudicator of the 160M contest. I confirm that the log of RV4LC has been received and is without errors of any kind. Any error messages must have been generated by the ISP system. please, 73 de S
/archives//html/SD-User/2006-02/msg00029.html (11,768 bytes)

14. Re: [SD-User] UK Mainland IOTA Ref (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 18:45:40 +0100
Dave - Try entering EU005 and send EU5 on your CW contacts 73 de Sid GM4SID ___________________________________________________________ Tiscali Broadband from 14.99 with free set
/archives//html/SD-User/2006-07/msg00032.html (8,819 bytes)

15. [SD-User] IOTA.LST (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 06:41:56 +0100
I downloaded IOTA.LST and started SDI. on the LOAD command, SDI said it could'nt find the file After some thought I wondered if the program would not load a file with the same name as my filename (My
/archives//html/SD-User/2006-07/msg00053.html (6,705 bytes)

16. [SD-User] WHO IS TO3T? (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 16:22:06 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
In WPX-CW i worked TO3T. He was running a mini pile up - mostly USA Stations. SD scored only 1 point in my log but I think it should have been 6 (Martinique). I have searched in back numbers of 425 D
/archives//html/SD-User/2007-05/msg00038.html (7,568 bytes)

17. [SD-User] Rig Control with SD 14.00 (score: 1)
Author: GM4SID <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:57:26 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
I have installed SD 14.00 and checked most paramaters using a dummy set-up for the SPDXC (Next Weekend). I like the automatic changeover from RUN to S+P and the speed control (both methods) now seems
/archives//html/SD-User/2008-03/msg00055.html (7,794 bytes)

18. [SD-User] Changing Freq fm Keyboard (score: 1)
Author: GM4SID <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 20:26:40 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
I am using the MicroHAM USB/RS232 interface on rig control. The green led flashes when the rig is interrogated and the red led flashes on its reply. When I reset BPS to 9600 or 19200 the green led fl
/archives//html/SD-User/2008-03/msg00061.html (7,228 bytes)

19. [SD-User] Best Yet V14.01 (score: 1)
Author: GM4SID <>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 08:52:17 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
I took part in both the SP DXC and the ROPOCO1 contests over the weekend and I would like to congratulate Paul in the latest Version 14.01 which ran perfectly in both. I run a MK1 K1EL WinKey from my
/archives//html/SD-User/2008-04/msg00022.html (7,221 bytes)

20. [SD-User] RAEM Contest. (score: 1)
Author: GM4SID <>
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 10:32:15 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
The RAEM Contest looks like a short bit of fun. Contest rules are at <> I think the ROPOCO tremplate would be suitable although it won't calculate your score - Mayb
/archives//html/SD-User/2008-12/msg00017.html (6,835 bytes)

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