not The common "soundcard" programs (including MMTTY, RITTY, Writelog/Rttyrite etc) also support FSK transmit, so you don't have to give that up. You do need a serial port that supports 5-bit code t
I've done this, even with 1280 x 1024, but I had to go to the drugstore for some special "contesting specs"! With decent monitors going for only about $100 these days, you wouldn't believe how nice
When I got my new Dell PW330 recently, I got the 17in flat panel. I also have an ViewSonic 17 in right next to it. No interactions between monitors or radio RFI. Although both are 17 in, the flat pan
I've been toying with making some comparisons between the MARK-V and the PRO. I'll get better at this, but thought this was mildly interesting. Both the PRO and MARK on a T-splitter to the yagi. Both
I would caution against making a master callsign database from this list. These are only people that have actually submitted results enough to be included. Some people are pretty active, yet might h
Thank you, Tapani! We ARE unnerved, even those of us far from the devastation and with no relatives in the areas, and comments like yours are welcomed. I thought the ham reflectors were VERY quiet y
field? Boy, that question will generate some traffic, eh? No data to show you Goran, but I'll give you my experience, and I'll bet it's not too far off the general consensus... We'll see: RITTY/K6ST
Lest any newercomers forget, the PK-232 also has scope outputs on the back too! Send these to your favorite scope and have one of the best tuning aids around, albeit manual. I haven't tried decoding
But I don't understand mine. Mine has VP5RY as: 1st place, SOHP Turks and Caicos (correct - only entrant - hihi) BUT also: 2nd place WORLD! - This doesn't jive with published results in QST. VP5RY wa
not just Just I meant to comment on that too! Every Q is very important - even from those that might only work a very few for fun, for the DX, because they know the op, whatever. I worked more than
Sri bandwidth, but this pertains to me getting back on RTTY. I needed to replace an electrolytic cap across the output of my Astron PS. I found what I wanted at RS, but don't understand the labeling.
In case this helps someone: You are on 14090 with an S-9 signal but no print. Looking at the MMTTY waterfall, it looks like you're using AFSK RTTY and WAY, WAY overdriving the audio. If you can back
If you're interested, please take a look at This is print from a RTTY signal on 20M awhile ago. It sounded fairly weak; Although I didn't get a look at the S-meter
I keep hearing this racket that sounds like a nearby RTTY station's exchanges. HOwever, tuning the dial has no effect on the sound! I hear it on 20M and 15M both! What the heck is that? It -not- anot
2001. success...any XV - Look for JA3AFJ (XV3MRC), JR1JAA (XV3JAA) and JA1TAA (XV3TAA) to operate on 6-80 meters (30 metres excluded) CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 from Vietnam between 29 March and 3 Apri