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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [RTTY] Log returned (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Wood" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 22:02:06 -0400
Don't know what I am doing wrong. I have attempted to email my SARTG log numerous times and get the same msg each time: The original message was received at Tue, 24 Aug 2004 21:58:24 -0400 (EDT) from
/archives//html/RTTY/2004-08/msg00239.html (7,154 bytes)

2. [RTTY] Maine for WAS RTTY (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Wood" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 11:53:01 -0400
I find myself missing confirmation for ME on RTTY. Is there anyone out there willing to make a sked? It is the last needed for WAS RTTY. Pse reply direct. Tnx N2KX _______________
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-06/msg00054.html (6,679 bytes)

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