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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [RTTY] When did mechanical teleprinters become obsolete? (score: 1)
Author: "Montemerlo, Robert" <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 14:43:22 -0400
Just in way of a response here, my second job out of school was working for a company (Wiltek) who replaced teleprinter message networks in Fortune 500 company with a store and forward terminal and a
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-05/msg00168.html (9,041 bytes)

2. [RTTY] W1SLF will be active from ME in NAQP (score: 1)
Author: "Montemerlo, Robert" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 16:45:21 -0400
In an effort to make this month's NCJ NAQP RTTY Contest a bit more interesting, three of us (N1MGO, KT1I, & KB1JZU) will be operating in field day style at the top of Sugarloaf Mountain in western Ma
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-07/msg00079.html (7,426 bytes)

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