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Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. [RTTY] WriteLog's Updated, North American RTTY Sprint Module.. (score: 219)
Author: k5dj at (Ron K5DJ)
Date: Sun Mar 2 17:38:17 2003
Updated North American RTTY Sprint can be downloaded now for next weeks test. The RTTY North American Sprint will NOT show up as a new contest. Instead, after you select North American Sprint, the "M
/archives//html/RTTY/2003-03/msg00006.html (6,788 bytes)

2. [RTTY] North American RTTY Sprint Module update (score: 219)
Author: k5dj at (Ron K5DJ)
Date: Tue Mar 4 22:39:27 2003
The sprint module at <> it now pre-fills the exchange properly if you have worked someone only on the sa
/archives//html/RTTY/2003-03/msg00023.html (6,994 bytes)

3. [RTTY] RE One other thing on updated North American RTTY Springmodule... (score: 219)
Author: k5dj at (Ron K5DJ)
Date: Tue Mar 4 22:39:28 2003
One other thing, If you use a name like Mo and live in MO State or Al in AL state there is a problem. If you use DE in front of your call and the state is DE there is still a problem.. Other than tho
/archives//html/RTTY/2003-03/msg00024.html (7,729 bytes)

4. [RTTY] So2R--try writing a rule separating SO2R (score: 219)
Author: k5dj at (Ron K5DJ)
Date: Sun Jan 26 15:26:46 2003
Hum! I haven't been on the RTTY Reflector in a while, if memory recalls the same conversation was going on the last time I checked it out. Sure glad I haven't missed anything since I last checked it
/archives//html/RTTY/2003-01/msg00398.html (9,923 bytes)

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