For slower paced contests that may be fine, but unless you send a new shift character before each character group, many of us will unshift. If you do it properly by at least shifting (let alone unshi
Oh, good point! Yes, definitely if you are separating say the 599 from the QTH or something else that contains letters, use a space or even a new line if conditions are tough. I was only thinking abo
Wouldn't it be: TOOAPTAPTAPT ? (The dash is a shifted A if I remember correctly) Most of us recognize the correct numbers in this case are the ones directly above the letter keys for what appears on
Actually, it seems to me that the vast majority of RTTY operators...and even PSK ops have gotten much better in the last couple of years. There will always be a few boneheads, but we know how to deal
I wouldn't have a problem with this type of spectrum division, but as you say, it's going to cause a lot of problems unless it's a world-wide thing. Until the rest of the world abandons 40M broadcast
I'd probably choose the Pro 3, even tho I've never even used one. The MP's are getting a bit long in the tooth and require a lot of additional filters and mods to make them perform well. I believe Ya
I don't wish to offend anyone here, but since K6STI is no longer providing any support for his ham software, I'm in need of a license key for my club call so I can continue to use my legally-purchase
I spearheaded the W3AO digital operation last year and it's actually become a significant part of our score. PSK is where it's at and the operators seem to have gotten much better about "contest mode
Yeah, I tried running MMTTY in parallel for a while and it wasn't even close most of the time. I was just using the stock settings, so it may require a bunch of tweaks to make it work better. I used
As long as you have enough isolation between antennas you are fine. Keep em lined up end to end and separated a bit and it should be fine. e. It is hard to envision the PSK users interfering with CW
I don't know about the FT840, but the TS4x0 is really a lousy contest radio. The worst part is the noisy synthesizer, and if you overdrive in AFSK...gawd! Instead of running high power, get a couple
Outlaw AFSK? Maybe dirty AFSK, but it's the only way to fly AFAIC. S&P in NET/Autotune TX mode saves a lot of time and you are on exactly the right frequency when you answer. How about PSK? You cant
What IF is the DSP filtering in? Unless it's in the second, it's at a severe disadvantage to a crystal filter in that stage. I've yet to hear of a ham radio that didn't benefit from crystal filters..
Uhh, yeah...old fashioned! The diode cap thing went out with the analog VFO! For me that was the TS830...a fine analog radio and the best contest radio of it's decade! Ty K3MM _____ Hello Ty, Call me
Exactly right, Ed. A pregnant pause maybe, but anything more than a few seconds is fair game. However, I caution you to be sure that the station wasn't just working a weak one you couldn't hear. I kn
That's pretty funny...I've actually done that! Sneezed and moved the knob! I usually store my run frequency in the second VFO just in case, but I don't always catch it! Hi! 73, Ty K3MM Perhaps it was
Do you get to rework stations? I think you'll run out of stations to work pretty quick otherwise... How about including 40 and 80? ...or at least 80? 0200Z is probably way too early for the left coas
It either needs to be shorter...maybe 2 hours, or allow reworks after a certain period of time or number of contacts (time probably better and keeps away the "not yet" messages) I'm against stretchin
How about just making it 80 and 160? That way you can pass from 80 to 160 and vice versa....for 4 hours... Otherwise just 160 and make it 2 hrs. Another idea I had for a contest would be an all digit