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References: [ +from:jlockj@earthlink.net: 16 ]

Total 16 documents matching your query.

1. [RTTY] WHO WOULD KICK IN? (score: 1)
Author: jlockj@earthlink.net (John)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 20:04:29 -0600
Hi Mike, I think Ekki, DF4OR, has received enough positive feedback to move forward on doing just what you describe. I like the elegant simplicity and stability of DOS programs for most of my contest
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-11/msg00082.html (8,295 bytes)

2. [RTTY] Low participation? + bad practices (score: 1)
Author: jlockj@earthlink.net (John Lockhart)
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 21:52:39 -0000
Just a few comments on this year's "Roundup". I had a great time operating the RTTY Roundup from W0BV's, who graciously lets me pretend to be a "big gun" every January. I worked many new stations, a
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-01/msg00079.html (8,250 bytes)

3. [RTTY] 20 meter RU above 14.100 (score: 1)
Author: jlockj@earthlink.net (John Lockhart)
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 01:43:23 -0000
I'm not certain of today's 10 meter allocations for Technician Class licensee's, however, in years past, we used to go above 28.1 to work Tech class operators. This year, I worked a new multiplier la
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-01/msg00099.html (10,023 bytes)

4. [RTTY] 20 meter RU above 14.100 (score: 1)
Author: jlockj@earthlink.net (John Lockhart)
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 02:43:46 -0000
I'm not certain of today's 10 meter allocations for Technician Class licensee's, however, in years past, we used to go above 28.1 to work Tech class operators. This year, I worked a new multiplier la
/archives//html/RTTY/2002-01/msg00100.html (10,046 bytes)

5. [RTTY] RTTY 23 Hz Shift (score: 1)
Author: jlockj@earthlink.net (John Lockhart)
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 12:44:03 -0000
I appreciate all the work soundcard software developers have done and have loaded many of the programs on my hard drive. The narrow bandwidth modes (i.e. PSK31) have advantages for low power operatio
/archives//html/RTTY/2001-09/msg00025.html (7,357 bytes)

6. [RTTY] Spectrum of RTTY signal (score: 1)
Author: jlockj@earthlink.net (John Lockhart)
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 03:13:36 -0000
Thanks Bruce and Chen, It looks like the 250 Hz filters should work fine, which has been my experience with cascaded Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu factory filters. (non-DSP!) 73, John W0DC --Original Messa
/archives//html/RTTY/2001-08/msg00359.html (10,006 bytes)

7. [RTTY] RTTY 23 MMTTY Setup (score: 1)
Author: jlockj@earthlink.net (John Lockhart)
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 00:45:57 -0000
Hi John es Group, Not set-up for AFSK Xmtg here... I thought the signals sounded like unmodulated carriers during an auroral disturbance. (QTH: Minnesota!) 73, John W0DC
/archives//html/RTTY/2001-08/msg00382.html (7,099 bytes)

8. [RTTY] W0DC NAQP RTTY Score (score: 1)
Author: jlockj@earthlink.net (John Lockhart)
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 02:00:08 -0000
Call used: W0DC Location: MN Entry Class: Single Op, All Band Band QSOs Pts QTH DX 80 3 3 3 0 40 12 12 10 0 20 24 24 15 0 15 26 26 11 0 10 11 11 7 0 -- Total 76 76 46 0 -- Claimed Score: 3496 Softwar
/archives//html/RTTY/2001-07/msg00317.html (6,777 bytes)

9. [RTTY] Additional background information on NREN (score: 1)
Author: "John" <jlockj@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 11:26:58 -0500
73, John W0DC -- -- Hello Everyone: As discussed earlier, NREN, in cooperation with the staff of K6KPH will begin conducting regular training broadcasts designed to assist radio amateurs who have an
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-09/msg00122.html (9,974 bytes)

10. [RTTY] Larry W0ETC SK (score: 1)
Author: "John" <jlockj@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 22:11:10 -0500
I haven't seen the following sad news about W0ETC on the RTTY list yet... Very sorry to learn of his passing - I really thought Larry would overcome his illness. 73 OM, John W0DC ____________________
/archives//html/RTTY/2005-10/msg00296.html (6,749 bytes)

11. Re: [RTTY] Question for ST-8000 users (score: 1)
Author: "John" <jlockj@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 21:48:16 -0600
Hi Bill, Earlier versions of WriteLog did not exhibit the printing in clumps when using a "dumb modem". I think it started a two or three years ago - don't know if anyone has asked Wayne to look into
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-01/msg00601.html (8,733 bytes)

12. Re: [RTTY] Two sides (score: 1)
Author: "John" <jlockj@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 21:27:06 -0500
-- Amazing! When your arguments don't have the persuasive power you'd like, pull out the secret weapons and make a proclamation from on high and then call the people you disagree with names. Why do
/archives//html/RTTY/2006-07/msg00326.html (7,990 bytes)

13. Re: [RTTY] 10m RTTY power levels (score: 1)
Author: "John" <jlockj@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 12:47:44 -0600
My "two bits"... If a person chooses to participate in a contest, I believe they should stay within the rules for that contest. It has nothing to do with the privileges granted you by your license. A
/archives//html/RTTY/2011-12/msg00077.html (9,990 bytes)

14. Re: [RTTY] The magic of TU (score: 1)
Author: "John" <jlockj@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 15:18:19 -0500
Hi Chen, What do you think leads to the signals I heard last weekend that have a short "chirp" at the beginning of each transmission? (not RSID) There's a short space tone, followed by a short mark t
/archives//html/RTTY/2013-10/msg00090.html (8,228 bytes)

15. Re: [RTTY] QRL? (score: 1)
Author: John <jlockj@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 14:14:20 -0500
I believe sending a short QRL message is the courteous thing to do before sending a longer CQ message. There have been many times I've waited 20 seconds on a "clear" frequency before sending QRL and
/archives//html/RTTY/2016-03/msg00283.html (12,171 bytes)

16. [RTTY] Joe K0BX (score: 1)
Author: John <jlockj@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 16:37:55 -0600
I was sorry to see that Joe K0BX is listed as a Silent Key in the March QST. Joe was active on RTTY from both his home and club stations for many years. It looks like his last posting to his list was
/archives//html/RTTY/2018-02/msg00123.html (9,453 bytes)

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