- 21. [RTTY] Master Files (score: 175)
- Author: chen at mac.com (Kok Chen)
- Date: Sun Feb 23 12:45:42 2003
- If you base the master file on this NAQP, W9OL is going to be one unhappy camper :-) :-). K6UFO may not Mindy (uhh, I mean mind) as much. Nanu, nanu. As I had earlier mentioned I might do, I did use
- /archives//html/RTTY/2003-02/msg00307.html (6,803 bytes)
- 22. [RTTY] NAQP and Cabrillo (score: 175)
- Author: chen at mac.com (Kok Chen)
- Date: Sun Feb 23 21:22:17 2003
- Something just occurred to me: if someone had sent a name that is more than 10 characters long, such as IAMBIGIDIOT, it could really foul up Cabrillo's NAQP format. I am setting my Cabrillo generator
- /archives//html/RTTY/2003-02/msg00332.html (6,861 bytes)
- 23. [RTTY] NAQP W7AY (score: 175)
- Author: chen at mac.com (Kok Chen)
- Date: Mon Feb 24 01:46:23 2003
- Callsign: W7AY QTH: OR Power: 100 watts Operating Time: 9+hrs Entry Class: Single Op, All Band Low Power Band QSOs QTH 80 22 9 HF-2V 40 52 28 Delta loop 20 81 39 1.5 wavelength Gull (modified Vee) 15
- /archives//html/RTTY/2003-02/msg00335.html (6,740 bytes)
- 24. [RTTY] Log Confirmation (score: 175)
- Author: chen at mac.com (Kok Chen)
- Date: Tue Feb 25 11:36:39 2003
- Wayne asked: No confirmation for my submission. 73 Chen, W7AY
- /archives//html/RTTY/2003-02/msg00359.html (7,205 bytes)
- 25. [RTTY] BARTG SPRINT VK4UC (score: 175)
- Author: chen at mac.com (Kok Chen)
- Date: Wed Jan 29 01:01:35 2003
- You too, John? During BARTG, Shelby had called me Wilke. Wilke E. Cruse (1913-1996) was the original W7AY. N0AH told me he was known on the air as Bill,I believe, not Wilke. Ward also told me that be
- /archives//html/RTTY/2003-01/msg00434.html (7,849 bytes)
- 26. [RTTY] AA5AU SARTG Score (score: 175)
- Author: chen at mac.com (Kok Chen)
- Date: Tue Aug 19 13:43:12 2003
- Hi Goetz, I guess there are three things you can do for contests which uses call areas as mults. 1) make it mandatory to send the call area as a portable if the contester is out of area. I have mysel
- /archives//html/RTTY/2002-11/msg00256.html (9,202 bytes)
- 27. [RTTY] MY CALL/X (score: 175)
- Author: chen at mac.com (Kok Chen)
- Date: Wed Aug 20 13:21:10 2003
- And we will all still be using FSK and Baudot codes. Oops... we are! :-) :-) 73 Chen, W7AY
- /archives//html/RTTY/2002-11/msg00280.html (6,463 bytes)
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