- 1. [RTTY] MMTTY Help (score: 1)
- Author: "Ross" <VE4CW@telus.net>
- Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 13:08:30 -0700
- Having a small problem, any help wud be appreciated. WinXP Rigblaster Plus IC-746PRO In the contest mode, when working another station (pressing QSO) when the message ends the transmitter stays on (d
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-10/msg00293.html (6,766 bytes)
- 2. [RTTY] Xmit Off (score: 1)
- Author: "Ross" <VE4CW@telus.net>
- Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:36:00 -0700
- Hi Ron-VA7HZ & Olaf-LB8IB TU for the quick response and yes the back slash is there. Ive tried moving it around, even tried it in the middle of the message but I still have to hit TXOFF or it diddles
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-10/msg00308.html (6,320 bytes)
- 3. [RTTY] Xmit Off (score: 1)
- Author: "Ross" <VE4CW@telus.net>
- Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:59:14 -0700
- Hi Rex (K7QQ) Tnx for ur help. Ive never seen RX at the end of the macros. In the block of 16 macros they all turn off automatically at the end except one and that one I altered after I had this prob
- /archives//html/RTTY/2013-10/msg00309.html (6,465 bytes)
- 4. [RTTY] A bit off topic...... (score: 1)
- Author: "Ross" <VE4CW@telus.net>
- Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 11:15:07 -0700
- A bit off topic but rather important to me so thought I wud give it a whirl. I wonder if anyone has had any experience with amateur rigs interfering with pacemakers ? My XYL just became the possessor
- /archives//html/RTTY/2015-05/msg00028.html (7,668 bytes)
- 5. [RTTY] RTTY A bit off topic (score: 1)
- Author: "Ross" <VE4CW@telus.net>
- Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 21:32:56 -0700
- I would like to thank all the RTTY guys who replied to my pacemaker query, all very much appreciated. Hope to work you on the bands when (if) I get back on the air. A great group and and so many will
- /archives//html/RTTY/2015-05/msg00040.html (6,448 bytes)
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