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References: [ +from:w1rfi@arrl.org: 541 ]

Total 541 documents matching your query.

1. [RFI] RSGB EMC Guide 'problem" (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:08:09 -0500
Hi, Tom, If you bought the book from ARRL, I can arrange a replacement for you. Email me and let me know. I can also send you a photocopy of the page. 73, Ed Hare, W1RFI ARRL Lab 225 Main St Newingto
/archives//html/RFI/2003-01/msg00011.html (7,838 bytes)

2. [RFI] s7-s9 noise (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 18:59:13 -0500
Hi, Dennis, That sure sounds like electrical noise. Under Part 15 of the FCC's rules, power lines are "incidental emitters." Incidental emitters are devices that don't deliberately generate RF energy
/archives//html/RFI/2003-01/msg00024.html (19,055 bytes)

3. [RFI] Line noise is more than a nuisance! (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 19:16:53 -0500
What if the emergency is outside my area, but I need to receive the emergency traffic? There is merit to the argument -- it forms the very basis for the FCC's support of amateur radio. 73, Ed Hare, W
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00014.html (9,292 bytes)

4. [RFI] RFI resistant telephones (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 19:20:33 -0500
Hi, Ed, Radio Shack has an extensive set of specifications their vendors have to meet. Last I checked with RS, they require the phones to exhibit a modicum of immunity to RF fields. That is why many
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00015.html (10,665 bytes)

5. [RFI] Utilities contacted by the FCC (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 19:55:09 -0500
So far, there have been about 20 utilities contacted by the FCC. (Behind each one of them can be from 5 to 100 hours of ARRL HQ staff time, as we try to resolve it directly as part of the deal with R
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00016.html (14,027 bytes)

6. How to deal with neighbors (was RE: [RFI] DVD/TVI interference) (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 20:16:54 -0500
There are two tools that may help with a neighbor. The first is the pamphlet ARRL jointly publishes with the Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association. See: http://www.arrl.org/news/rfi/neighbor
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00017.html (14,513 bytes)

7. [RFI] RFI resistant telephones (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 23:28:57 -0500
A quick followup -- the ARRL info on telephone interference is at: http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/rfitel.html Now, time to go home and try to get my wife to speak to me. :-) 73, Ed Hare, W1RFI ARRL Lab
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00018.html (12,198 bytes)

8. [RFI] ARRL Web page RFI survey (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 19:35:54 -0500
Go to the web page and vote on the current survey about power-line noise. The results are at http://www.arrl.org/survey.php3, and they were higher than I expected. 73, Ed Hare, W1RFI ARRL Lab 225 Mai
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00032.html (6,528 bytes)

9. [RFI] QST article on powerline noise receiver (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 19:43:16 -0500
The QST/QEX/NCJ/HamRadio search engine is at: http://www.arrl.org/members-only/qqnsearch.html It offers some neat new features. First, the articles that are available for download come up first. Righ
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00033.html (9,426 bytes)

10. [RFI] DFing progress (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 10:36:37 -0500
What I suggest for an attenuator is a simple 10-dB design for a pi-net attenuator. The input Rs go to ground, with a resistor in between them. For 10 dB, the input and output resistors should be 100
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00040.html (8,564 bytes)

11. [RFI] RR crossing lights (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 13:08:58 -0500
I recently designed and put together a mobile setup for measuring field strength. (More on this later -- it is really slick!) My initial setup was on HF, to measure power-line noise. I noted somethin
/archives//html/RFI/2002-12/msg00047.html (13,375 bytes)

12. [RFI] PAR electronics notch filters (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 17:25:57 -0500
See http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/intermod. The PAR filters are among the techniques discussed. 73, Ed Hare, W1RFI ARRL Lab 225 Main St Newington, CT 06111 Tel: 860-594-0318 Internet: w1rfi@arrl.org W
/archives//html/RFI/2002-11/msg00032.html (8,987 bytes)

13. [RFI] Subwoofer does CW (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 13:28:12 -0500
Even at that, it is a good idea to warn him that these things can be complex and that RFI has a number of different cures that may need to be tried. That way, if the first few don't work out, he wil
/archives//html/RFI/2002-11/msg00038.html (10,523 bytes)

14. [RFI] Power line RFI situation (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 13:24:49 -0500
It definitely heard ultrasound, but the fellow we had here working on power-line stuff never did take it out and listen to a few noises. Our new RFI guru, Mike Gruber, W1MG, has it on an ever-growing
/archives//html/RFI/2002-11/msg00039.html (10,518 bytes)

15. [RFI] TV Cable Information and TVI (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 20:07:50 -0400
A good treatise for dealing with cable-TVI problems is found at: http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/HTML/catvi/index.html I wrote it a few years back for Communications Technology, a cable industry trade j
/archives//html/RFI/2002-09/msg00014.html (10,685 bytes)

16. [RFI] FT-847 is a Part 15 Device? (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 16:18:22 -0400
The sky is not falling. Certain VHF and up receivers require FCC Certification and the Part 15 label covers the operation of the receiver. Whew! 73, Ed Hare, W1RFI ARRL Lab 225 Main St Newington, CT
/archives//html/RFI/2002-07/msg00010.html (8,849 bytes)

17. [RFI] FUEL PUMP RFI IS GONE (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 13:40:40 -0400
Cool! Maybe you could consider writing this up and submitting it to QST Hints and Kinks. They will actually pay you a token amount! :-) I can't speak for the editor, but it looks like good informatio
/archives//html/RFI/2002-05/msg00011.html (8,622 bytes)

18. [RFI] 433.92 device tolerance (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 14:49:51 -0400
Most of the legal 433.92 MHz devices operate as periodic emitters. Under the rules, these can operate on most frequencies above 70 MHz. The RFID/Savi Technologies petition with the FCC seeks to expan
/archives//html/RFI/2002-04/msg00009.html (8,691 bytes)

19. [RFI] ARRL RFI Web Update column (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:53:25 -0500
Hi, guys, The 2nd column is up and running. Unfortunately, it was delayed big time by the need to ensure that the regulatory and spectrum-protection aspects were well considered. I expect we can get
/archives//html/RFI/2002-03/msg00014.html (7,346 bytes)

20. [RFI] WOW!!!!!!! (score: 1)
Author: w1rfi@arrl.org (Hare,Ed, W1RFI)
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 17:36:47 -0500
The basic procedures that I recommend hams follow with power line stuff is: 1. Stay calm and courteous at all times. This is the HARDEST part! 2. Download, print and read all of the ARRL information
/archives//html/RFI/2002-03/msg00026.html (17,169 bytes)

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