- 1. [RFI] Filing Comments to FCC (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Thu Aug 7 17:27:54 2003
- You stole my thunder, Jim. Equally troubling is UPLC's assertion in the same comments that BPL is "last mile solution that doesn't require large head-ends or central offices". Of course they never ge
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-08/msg00032.html (8,727 bytes)
- 2. No More Nice Guy? (was RE: [RFI] BPL video FAQs) (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Sat Aug 9 15:49:48 2003
- If we assume that there are 100 million households in the U.S. and that there are 20,000 active HF stations sprinkled uniformly throughout this population of 100 million households, then we can concl
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-08/msg00055.html (11,020 bytes)
- 3. [RFI] RE: Concerning BPL video (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Sat Aug 9 16:46:49 2003
- Ditto, Tom. Lets cofine the BPL debate to the realm of reasoned technical facts. If anyone wants mindless name calling, I suggest the ARRL pro/con threads on Eham.net as a good place to start :):) 73
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-08/msg00058.html (9,079 bytes)
- 4. [RFI] RE: No More Nice Guy? (was BPL video FAQs) (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Mon Aug 11 13:24:44 2003
- Many of the industry comments are filled with technical hubris. In some cases it involves exaggeration, in other cases it involves outright falsehoods. It would not surprise me if this pattern of tru
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-08/msg00071.html (8,413 bytes)
- 5. [RFI] BPL alternatives (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Sat Aug 16 13:19:53 2003
- This is what makes the claims of rural service somewhat dubious. Unless you are with a few hundred feet of a fiber run, it is questionable whether it will make economic sense for a BPL provider to in
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-08/msg00127.html (9,527 bytes)
- 6. [RFI] Re: [TowerTalk] Reminder - Deadline for Comments on BroadbandOver Powerline NOI (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Thu Jul 3 13:36:37 2003
- Thanks for your very thought provoking comments, Jim. While I am not sure that I agree that large scale BPL rollout is a fate accompli, I do agree that it is important that reply comments address the
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-07/msg00003.html (10,568 bytes)
- 7. [RFI] Re: [ham-law] Reminder - Deadline for Comments on BroadbandOver Powerline NOI (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Thu Jul 3 13:47:38 2003
- I dunno, Jim. I am not aware of any trick. I do have a pretty new version of Acrobat (5.0), maybe that has something to do with it. Also make sure that when Acrobat opens, that stupid dialog box that
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-07/msg00004.html (8,127 bytes)
- 8. [RFI] Re: FCC Comments on BPL - Dupes! (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Mon Jul 7 13:30:17 2003
- Yes, I noticed the same thing, Jim. WA6MME told me he was getting an error message when he tried to post, but when I checked the ECFS his comments where in there. And here I thought that the ECFS wor
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-07/msg00008.html (8,267 bytes)
- 9. [RFI] alternative to PLC (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Thu Jun 5 11:50:41 2003
- Agreed, the payback time on the investment of miles of fiber optic cable would be very long given the relatively low income stream that the service will generate. Before high-speed internet came alon
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00008.html (9,078 bytes)
- 10. [RFI] re: BPL (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Fri Jun 6 22:38:12 2003
- I think the FCC wants this BPL thing to fly as it falls into their political paradigm of increased competition and deregulation. What the amateur community needs to do is make them painfully aware of
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00025.html (12,336 bytes)
- 11. [RFI] alternative to PLC (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Wed Jun 11 18:11:08 2003
- company has to run fiber to the neighborhood. In others, they use the MV lines, but have to put digital repeaters about every 2000 feet on the line. In others, they use 802.11 to get to the house. T
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00037.html (9,048 bytes)
- 12. [RFI] alternative to PLC (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Wed Jun 11 18:27:19 2003
- Ooops, I am forgetting how to do math. With 40 mile coverage radius and a 20K sub breakeven point, an MMDS based highspeed internet system would be viable with a subscriber density of around 4 subs/s
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00038.html (10,203 bytes)
- 13. [RFI] alternative to PLC (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Wed Jun 11 21:33:46 2003
- Ooops, I am forgetting how to do math. With 40 mile coverage radius and a 20K sub breakeven point, an MMDS based highspeed internet system would be viable with a subscriber density of around 4 subs/s
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00040.html (7,366 bytes)
- 14. [RFI] stealth RFI (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Sun Jun 15 18:57:04 2003
- Ted where is you vertical mounted relative to the TV. It sounds like it is ground mounted. Is that correct? Mike, W4EF............... challenge.
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00044.html (11,293 bytes)
- 15. [RFI] stealth RFI (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Mon Jun 16 12:29:00 2003
- Hi Ted I am using a roof mounted vertical here on top of my two story house. The TV is upstairs which puts it right under the counterpoise for my vertical. Adding a bunch of ferrite beads to the coax
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00048.html (11,257 bytes)
- 16. [RFI] stealth RFI (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Mon Jun 16 13:06:42 2003
- Yes, that was quite clear when I only used 2 radials per band. Everything on the 2nd floor of my house was lightning up with RFI. That is why I expanded the radial field. The idea was to spread the
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00050.html (9,691 bytes)
- 17. [RFI] stealth RFI (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Tue Jun 17 13:32:01 2003
- Hi Bill, Yes of course they radiate, but consider the field strength underneath a ground plane consisting of a solid metal disk versus the field strength underneath a sparse 2 radial counterpoise. In
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-06/msg00055.html (9,240 bytes)
- 18. [RFI] RE: A Serious Threat (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Thu May 15 15:09:42 2003
- There are two systems. Homeplug is a PLC standard for in-home local area networking (connecting PCs together inside a home using the AC wiring). The other system which is subject of the FCC Notice of
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-05/msg00022.html (8,316 bytes)
- 19. [RFI] RE: A Serious Threat (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Thu May 15 17:28:06 2003
- As far as I am concerned, this whole movement is a backdoor attempt to "take over" already allocated radio spectrum via a corruption of the regulatory process. Make sure you make your voices heard. T
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-05/msg00025.html (12,028 bytes)
- 20. [RFI] PLC Testing (score: 163)
- Author: W4EF at dellroy.com (Michael Tope)
- Date: Mon May 26 00:17:46 2003
- It is interesting to note that the BPL consortium is not proposing to use the spectrum between 500 KHz and 2 MHz. If this technology is so very compatible with wireless spectrum users, why are they n
- /archives//html/RFI/2003-05/msg00035.html (12,214 bytes)
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