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References: [ +from:EDWARDS: 459 ]

Total 459 documents matching your query.

121. [RFI] RFI proof phone? (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 08:20:14 -0500
As a follow-up on my earlier post: I found some info on the two RFI proof phones in the FCC's Interference Handbook (which is free if you ask for them at 888-CALL-FCC): PRO Distributors 2811-B 74th S
/archives//html/RFI/1998-06/msg00006.html (7,349 bytes)

122. [RFI] Copper clad or Galvanized steel ground rods??? (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 08:53:55 -0500
I've used only copper clad rods since pure copper won't go straight into the ground here with clay soil. I usually have to use a sledge hammer to get 'em all the way in. At home I use 8 ft copper cl
/archives//html/RFI/1998-05/msg00001.html (8,640 bytes)

123. [RFI] Copper clad or Galvanized steel ground rods??? (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 10:29:12 -0500
Howdy Pete: The map's in the slide presentation. /webslid1.htm It's under the "Authorized Reps" at the bottom "Wild, wonderful, fairly rare WEST Virginia" looks real good on the map! WV & PA are bes
/archives//html/RFI/1998-05/msg00004.html (8,060 bytes)

124. [RFI] Re: Copper clad or Galvanized steel ground rods??? (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 10:49:29 -0500
BAD idea! You wash away the "soil" you're wishing to make good solid contact with! Easy to install. Bad for conductivity overall. Copper pipe will probably bend and fold going into clay past 3-4 ft
/archives//html/RFI/1998-05/msg00005.html (9,662 bytes)

125. [RFI] Re: Copper clad or Galvanized steel ground rods??? (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 10:59:54 -0500
Mitchell, (or anyone else putting up towers) Are you on the TowerTalk reflector too? If not, you should check it out! Tons of good info there on towers! (Including grounding.) I haven't been on for
/archives//html/RFI/1998-05/msg00006.html (8,389 bytes)

126. [RFI] Copper clad or Galvanized steel ground rods??? (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 09:41:44 -0500
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Howdy Brad: Looks like you've made a case FOR using galvanized ground rods even though you don't like the idea: If your installing "galvanized" towers and "galvanized" guy anchors side b
/archives//html/RFI/1998-05/msg00016.html (10,908 bytes)

127. [RFI] Ground rod placement??? (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 09:12:56 -0500
Hi David: You may want to try something else first before drilling holes into your concrete floor. It doesn't sound like your tower ground system and shack ground system are tied together? If not, I
/archives//html/RFI/1998-04/msg00023.html (10,800 bytes)

128. [RFI] Ground Rod Placement (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 16:32:26 -0500
Hi Smitty, You obviously have a good "RF" ground. I see you have a 6-land call. If you're in 6-land, do you get alot of lightning storms? (I've never been there!) If you do, are you located on high
/archives//html/RFI/1998-04/msg00028.html (10,506 bytes)

129. [RFI] Television RFI (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 08:57:30 -0600
I have a similar problem with my Sony XBR trinitron TV, but only while it is on. I am lucky that it is quiet when it is turned off! It's mainly bothersome on 17 & 15 meters. In addition to generatin
/archives//html/RFI/1998-03/msg00032.html (7,917 bytes)

130. [RFI] TVI Help (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 12:44:06 -0600
I'd at least get a good quality Low Pass filter for your shack to start with. Don't know about the new one you mentioned, but they do help in certain cases. Go with whatever you can afford within re
/archives//html/RFI/1998-02/msg00005.html (8,737 bytes)

131. [RFI] Re: Local police and RFI problems (score: 1)
Author:" < (
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 12:56:16 -0600
and: Sure they do. One big difference is the piece of paper issued by the US Federal Government (FCC) called an Amateur Radio license. Hold up this piece of paper and MOST local officials will back o
/archives//html/RFI/1998-02/msg00009.html (9,283 bytes)

132. [RFI] UPLC media release on BPL (score: 1)
Author: "EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 14:44:00 -0500
Does anyone know what the UNE Decision was? Maybe I ought to ask the UPLC... de ed -K0iL -- For Immediate Release August 22, 2003 For More Information Contact: Mark Gedris Marketing Communications Ma
/archives//html/RFI/2003-08/msg00152.html (9,244 bytes)

133. [RFI] eEngineer -- Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) (score: 1)
Author: "EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 09:57:58 -0500
Interesting site. _______________________________________________ RFI mailing list
/archives//html/RFI/2003-10/msg00006.html (6,507 bytes)

134. RE: [RFI] Getting WiFi Upstairs (score: 1)
Author: "EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 07:43:52 -0500
Check with wither Andrew or RFS (cablewave). Andrew's leaky coax is called radiax (their regular cable is heliax). RFS calls it Radiaflex. Check out: And
/archives//html/RFI/2003-10/msg00012.html (7,980 bytes)

135. RE: [RFI] Getting WiFi Upstairs (score: 1)
Author: "EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 08:27:06 -0500
My post yesterday was in a bit of a hurry. Of course with any leaky coax system you need amplifiers, and in the case of 2-way comm you'll need a BDA-Bi-Directional Amp like Tx/Rx makes. At work we us
/archives//html/RFI/2003-10/msg00014.html (8,608 bytes)

136. [RFI] FW: RF Noise Pollution - New One? (score: 1)
Author: Ed -K0iL <>
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2004 09:48:55 -0600
Greetings! A DXer friend of mine has a strange noise that has recently came up. A link to the wav file of the noise is listed below. I've never heard anything like it before. I'm wondering if this is
/archives//html/RFI/2004-01/msg00001.html (7,723 bytes)

137. RE: [RFI] My power line noise problems, revisited (Warning, thisislong!) No... (score: 1)
Author: Ed -K0iL <>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 12:00:33 -0600
AA6DX, I can tell you of a recent instance here in Omaha when two guys working near a power pole were instantly killed when a powerline unexpectedly drop to the ground and killed both men. They were
/archives//html/RFI/2004-02/msg00045.html (10,782 bytes)

138. RE: [RFI] Response to news FCC okays BPL proposal (score: 1)
Author: Ed -K0iL <>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 12:52:07 -0600
As someone who works for an electric utility, and in the telecomm department which handles Radio Interference calls for powerline noise, it would seem that utilities would expect a flood of such call
/archives//html/RFI/2004-02/msg00095.html (9,594 bytes)

139. RE: [RFI] Better Balanced BPL story (score: 1)
Author: Ed -K0iL <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 21:13:50 -0600
Not only is your description very perceptive, but there already is an example out there on how to accomplish just that. If you want to see how BPL might turn out in the future for Amateur Radio, watc
/archives//html/RFI/2004-02/msg00146.html (9,195 bytes)

140. RE: [RFI] re bpl qrm Reports (score: 1)
Author: Ed -K0iL <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 11:39:10 -0600
If they've only rcvd 14-15 interference reports so far, no wonder they feel safe to proceed. I understand it's been in limited areas so far, so could someone at the FCC or ARRL Labs (since FCC won't)
/archives//html/RFI/2004-03/msg00023.html (7,270 bytes)

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