New versions of VHF Super Partial Check, and Prefill Databases are now available at: (Make sure to enter the Trailing "/". == Release 2011.06.01.00 - Release Notes == Many thanks
While you are submitting your June VHF Contest Cabrillo file, please remember to send a copy to me so I can turn around an update to the VHF Super Check Partial and VHF Prefill Files before the July
While you are submitting your June VHF Contest Cabrillo file, please remember to send a copy to me so I can turn around an update to the VHF Super Check Partial and VHF Prefill Files before the July
New versions of VHF Super Partial Check, and Prefill Databases for the CQ Magazine VHF Contest are now available at: (Make sure to enter the Trailing "/". == Release 2011.07.09.00
This is just a quick reminder that I would appreciate you sending a copy of your CQ VHF Contest Cabrillo. I don't need them until 2 weeks before the ARRL September VHF Contest, but I'm asking now whe
This is just a quick reminder that I would appreciate you sending a copy of your CQ VHF Contest Cabrillo. I don't need them until 2 weeks before the ARRL September VHF Contest, but I'm asking now whe
New versions of VHF Super Partial Check, and Prefill Databases for the ARRL September VHF Contest are now available at: (Make sure to enter the Trailing "/". == Release 2011.09.03
I'd appreciate receiving copies of the Cabrillo Files submitted to the ARRL for the September VHF Contests. These are used to generate a Super Partial Check Files for VHF Contests that are similar to
I'd appreciate receiving copies of the Cabrillo Files submitted to the ARRL for the September VHF Contests. These are used to generate a Super Partial Check Files for VHF Contests that are similar to
A New version of VHF Super Partial Check, and Prefill Databases for the ARRL January 2012 VHF Contest are now available at: (Make sure to enter the Trailing "/". == Release 2012.0
An updated version (Release 2012.01.18.01) of the Super Partial Check, and Prefill Databases for the ARRL January 2012 VHF Contest has been uploaded to: (Make sure to enter the Tr
This is the first and LAST call for VHF Contest Logs for the 2012 Super Check Partial (SCP) Database. I had planned to make the first 2012 Release during the 1st week of June. However I am having Rot
A New version of VHF Super Partial Check, and Prefill Databases for the ARRL June 2012 VHF Contest are now available at: (Make sure to enter the Trailing "/".) == Release 20120513
This is a reminder to please send me the Cabrillo File from your June VHF Contest operations. These are used to update the VHF Super Check Partial Database counterpart to the excellent one for HF mai
While you still have your Cabrillo file handy, please send me a copy for use in compiling the VH Super Check Partial (SCP) Database. This is a complement to the excellent HF Contest SCP Database main
I maintain a Super Check Partial Database for VHF Contests - primarily for North American Contesters. Please send me a copy of your Cabrillo Submission for the January VHF Contest. I would appreciate
This is the final all for logs for the VHF Super Partial Check Database release for the June VHF Contest. I have been somewhat disappointed with the number of 2012 Logs received this past year. I nee
The release of the VHF Super Check Partial Files is available for download at . Don't forget the trailing "?". The Release consists of the following ZIP Files: VHF_USA_SCP_2201305
Thanks to a detailed review by Lefty, K1TOL, a revision to the VHF Super Check Partial Database (Release 20130604_01) has been posted to (the trailing "?" is necessary). The avail
Besides my pathetic typing of the "Subject", the body of my Release Message contained a small error. The URL sentence should have read: ".... a revision to the VHF Super Check Partial Database (Relea