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Total 30 documents matching your query.

21. [NA-User] A test again (score: 1)
Author: G3SJJ" < (G3SJJ)
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 21:19:34 +0100
Robin, I guess no-one has any complaints at present. Having said that, I noticed that when I did a "write log" for our GU8D IOTA contest log, everything was produced except the data in the .BRK file.
/archives//html/NA-User/2001-08/msg00004.html (8,787 bytes)

22. [NA-User] A test again (score: 1)
Author: G3SJJ" < (G3SJJ)
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 20:23:43 +0100
Bob, not sure about your hypothesis on the out of sync numbers. We have found that happened in the past whilst scrolling back on the mult computer but not experienced it whilst waiting to log a qso o
/archives//html/NA-User/2001-08/msg00007.html (10,047 bytes)

23. [NA-User] Screen Colours (score: 1)
Author: G3SJJ" < (G3SJJ)
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 16:49:36 +0100
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0038_01C13173.C0DE9FE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Anyone know how to chan
/archives//html/NA-User/2001-08/msg00021.html (7,788 bytes)

24. [NA-User] Screen Colours (score: 1)
Author: G3SJJ" < (G3SJJ)
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 19:44:19 +0100
Ok, Dave. Thanks for your prompt response. I was just setting it up for this weekends SSB FD and remembered that we had commented on it during the IOTA contest. Whatever you can do will be appreciate
/archives//html/NA-User/2001-08/msg00024.html (8,019 bytes)

25. [na-user] Troubles with ALT/K (score: 1)
Author: G3SJJ" < (G3SJJ)
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 21:44:53 -0000
Ray, I always use the F keys. I have made a small laminated strip which is permanently stuck on my keyboard with Bluetak. I also have several others made up for multi-station events. The strip is a W
/archives//html/NA-User/2000-11/msg00048.html (10,061 bytes)

26. [na-user] Supported Contests - RSGB? (score: 1)
Author: G3SJJ" < (G3SJJ)
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 22:46:30 -0000
Paul, I use NA extensively in RSGB Contests including the IOTA Contest. Last year, Dave, K8CC, kindly included support for the IOTA Contest, although we (GU6,7,8D) had used it previously with manual
/archives//html/NA-User/2000-02/msg00009.html (10,290 bytes)

27. [na-user] Voice Keyer (score: 1)
Author: G3SJJ" < (G3SJJ)
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 20:38:03 +0100
Any thoughts on this one? I have just re-installed the CVB software after upgrading to Win95 and totally re-installing everything on my computer. I ran CVB.Exe and got the error message "Unable to in
/archives//html/NA-User/1999-10/msg00033.html (7,013 bytes)

28. [na-user] NA, CVB and FT1000MP (score: 1)
Author: Full Name <> (Full Name)
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 98 23:00:18 GMT
Hi, all. I am currently looking at firing up the Contest Voice Blaster. Have almost completed the interface unit and it occurs to me that the DVK socket on the rear of the FT1kMP could be used. If so
/archives//html/NA-User/1998-11/msg00046.html (7,312 bytes)

29. [na-user] Re Full Name (score: 1)
Author: Chris Burbanks <> (Chris Burbanks)
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 98 23:12:06 GMT
Sorry, just re-installed my e-mail s/w. Forgot to change the name! -- Submissions: Administrative requests: WWW:
/archives//html/NA-User/1998-11/msg00047.html (6,539 bytes)

30. [na-user] NA v10.27 (score: 1)
Author: Chris Burbanks <> (Chris Burbanks)
Date: Tue, 19 May 98 05:55:27 +0100 ( + )
Just received latest version of NA. One of the many features that I like is the ability to select the leading zero abbreviation. I use the logger in all the RSGB contests, it doesn't score them but t
/archives//html/NA-User/1998-05/msg00003.html (7,552 bytes)

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