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References: [ 3 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [Karlnet] karlnet hardware (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 00:08:07 -0500
I understand karlnet works on rg-1000's. but I also understand rg-1000's will be eventually end of lifed. what else for client end will work if rg's are exempt? terry
/archives//html/Karlnet/2002-04/msg00057.html (7,178 bytes)

2. RE: [Karlnet] karlnet hardware (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 00:17:19 -0500
where is a good resource to understand rg-1000's, rg-1100's, ap-1000, ap-2000 which are all in view of what I am looking at for starting a wisp? thanks terry RG-1100s, TT boards, AP-500s, etc -Charle
/archives//html/Karlnet/2002-04/msg00059.html (7,828 bytes)

3. RE: [Karlnet] karlnet hardware (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 18:29:55 -0500
will a karlnetized rg1000 talk to a rg1100, ap500, ap1000 that is karlnetized? can a ap-1000 talk to a ap-1000 on "one side" of it and talk to karlneted rg-1000's on other side? and if so will that a
/archives//html/Karlnet/2002-04/msg00060.html (8,084 bytes)

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