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References: [ +from:shane@wave.co.nz: 6 ]

Total 6 documents matching your query.

1. [Karlnet] TurboCell on Win XP (score: 1)
Author: Shane Hobson <shane@wave.co.nz>
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 22:13:14 +1200
I'm about to install a TurboCell onto my Win XP Pro laptop using either an Orinoco Silver card or Gold card. I've found the instructions on karlnet.com, but they're quite old http://karlnet.com/Libra
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-08/msg00001.html (7,100 bytes)

2. [Karlnet] Schools proposal (score: 1)
Author: Shane Hobson <shane@wave.co.nz>
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 06:32:44 +1200
I'm quoting to link about 10 schools together by building a new POP for them. Does anyone have any proposals they have done already which talk about benefits of broadband for schools and benefits of
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-08/msg00093.html (7,049 bytes)

3. [Karlnet] WA300 config help (score: 1)
Author: Shane Hobson <shane@wave.co.nz>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 21:30:12 +1200
Simple question. I have my first WA300 with KN installed. KN Configurator v4.0 & v4.43 cannot see it. What is the correct config software to use to setup a WA300 running Turbocell ? Thanks Shane -- G
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-08/msg00155.html (7,176 bytes)

4. [Karlnet] WTD: 100mw or 200mw cards for Turbocell (score: 1)
Author: Shane Hobson <shane@wave.co.nz>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:49:48 +1200
Does anyone want to sell me a few 100mw or 200mw cards to fit either RG1000 or AP1000 running KN loads ? I'm also looking for low power amps, approx 250mw. I'm in New Zealand, but postage shouldn't b
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-08/msg00164.html (7,661 bytes)

5. [Karlnet] MAC security on v3.8x (score: 1)
Author: Shane Hobson <shane@wave.co.nz>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 07:32:02 +1300
I have recently taken over management of a TurboCell network made up of about 8 POP sites. The Turbocell loads on the AP's range are v3.83, v3.88, v4.02 & v4.43k. I have worked out how MAC security [
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-11/msg00359.html (8,838 bytes)

6. [Karlnet] MAC security on v3.8x (score: 1)
Author: Shane Hobson <shane@wave.co.nz>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 07:32:02 +1300
I have recently taken over management of a TurboCell network made up of about 8 POP sites. The Turbocell loads on the AP's range are v3.83, v3.88, v4.02 & v4.43k. I have worked out how MAC security [
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-04/msg00289.html (8,838 bytes)

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