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References: [ +from:lmccann@roachconveyors.com: 38 ]

Total 38 documents matching your query.

1. [Karlnet] KN200 Problems (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 15:06:14 -0600
I have a kn200 with the satellite software and 2 200mw cards. I am using it to do ptp to 2 remote locations, each remote on a different frequency. On sunday I got a call that one of the links was dow
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-11/msg00011.html (8,646 bytes)

2. RE: [Karlnet] KN200 Problems (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 15:38:21 -0600
At 04:24 PM 11/3/2003 -0600, you wrote: I have sent a note to Engineering asking about the power support for 2 200mw cards. Are you using PoE for this application? Kevin Yes, I am using PoE. The unit
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-11/msg00014.html (7,721 bytes)

3. [Karlnet] noise levels (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 16:20:11 -0600
Just wondering what kind of noise levels are considered 'normal' when using a bi-directional amplifier. I am running between 35% and 45%. This seems high to me, but the system was already installed w
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-11/msg00015.html (7,436 bytes)

4. UPDATE: [Karlnet] KN200 Problems (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 16:14:39 -0600
Kevin and anyone interested, The problem I described yesterday with the kn200 boards has been partially resolved. The p2p link between the satellite units was due to the remote sat power supply being
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-11/msg00025.html (8,769 bytes)

5. Re: [Karlnet] Speaking of Demarc (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 14:52:48 -0600
Do these units show the signal strength on the wireless link test. At 03:49 PM 11/6/2003 -0500, you wrote: www.netgate.com -- Original Message -- From: "Wisp Notes" <wisp-notes@s1-i.net> To: "Karlnet
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-11/msg00050.html (14,212 bytes)

6. Re: [Karlnet] Speaking of Demarc (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 15:15:25 -0600
Thats good to know. I was told today by Karlnet tech support that cards with the Intersil chipset would not report the signal strength. Thanks. At 04:28 PM 11/6/2003 -0500, you wrote: Yes. -- Origina
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-11/msg00052.html (17,138 bytes)

7. Re: [Karlnet] Speaking of Demarc (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 15:50:10 -0600
I have heard reference to sanao cards and to engenius cards. Are senao and engenius the same company? They both have the same product line. Phones and wireless lan producs. Take a look at these links
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-11/msg00059.html (9,873 bytes)

8. Re: [Karlnet] 1 Satellite = 8 NDIS Clients (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 08:42:20 -0500
Brett, Just wondering how many clients you are supporting with the 27 satellites and about how much bandwidth you need to support those users. I have been doing mostly dial-up with just a couple of w
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-08/msg00071.html (10,127 bytes)

9. Re: [Karlnet] Unbicom units lack of SNR testing? (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 10:45:57 -0500
It would be nice also to have the pass phrase covered with asterisks. At 08:32 AM 8/12/2003 -0700, you wrote: I'd like to see this fixed also, if possible. -- Original Message -- From: "Timothy Steel
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-08/msg00108.html (9,948 bytes)

10. RE: [Karlnet] Injection Moulded Outdoor Enclosure for WCPE+ (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2003 11:59:06 -0500
Kevin, Is this the document you are talking about? http://www.karlnet.com/Product/SystemBoard/System%20Integration%20Guide.zip At 11:47 AM 7/3/2003 -0500, you wrote: No. We have a design document (I
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-07/msg00036.html (13,956 bytes)

11. [Karlnet] bandwidth management (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 10:36:49 -0500
What are everyone's opinion on bandwidth control. Is it better to do it on each cpe or to have a single point at the head end to manage all bandwidth for users? What type of hardware/software is bein
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-07/msg00115.html (8,256 bytes)

12. RE: [Karlnet] bandwidth management (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 12:03:16 -0500
The information on the BCU states that it controls both the up and down speeds. If this is the case, then does it matter that the wireless devices talk to each other at full speed if the BCU controls
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-07/msg00139.html (10,646 bytes)

13. RE: [Karlnet] bandwidth management (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 14:23:45 -0500
Thomas, Thanks for the info. This has opened my eyes as to understanding the bandwidth control issue. LaRoy. At 08:55 PM 7/16/2003 +0200, you wrote: As I said before, at this position in the datastre
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-07/msg00143.html (10,675 bytes)

14. [Karlnet] ubicom bandwidth management (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 14:45:59 -0500
To anyone at Karlnet, When will bandwidth management be available on the ubicom board? Thanks. LaRoy McCann Electrical Engineering Manager Roach Conveyors (870) 483-7631 x638 www.roachconveyors.com -
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-07/msg00144.html (7,786 bytes)

15. RE: [Karlnet] ubicom bandwidth management (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 17:04:56 -0500
OK, I was told a couple of weeks ago that the bandwidth management did not work yet. Not by karlnet but buy someone selling your product. At 04:22 PM 7/16/2003 -0500, you wrote: Well you can set it u
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-07/msg00148.html (9,553 bytes)

16. [Karlnet] VoIP equipment (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2003 16:31:06 -0500
I know nothing about Voice over IP, but I have someone wanting to do that with a wireless link between two schools. Just wondering what people are using to do this. Does this require full duplex? Tha
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-06/msg00009.html (6,956 bytes)

17. [Karlnet] limiting bandwidth (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 15:58:01 -0500
How do you limit a user to a certain bandwidth? The only setting I can find on the karlnet firmware is Max Tx Rate in Kbits / Sec. Actually this is a speedlan 8000 series box, but it uses the karlnet
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-04/msg00045.html (8,579 bytes)

18. RE: [Karlnet] limiting bandwidth (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 16:16:13 -0500
Thanks for the quick responce. At 05:05 PM 4/9/2003 -0400, you wrote: You can set the upload rate limit on the transmitter. The download rate is set by specifing the rate on the ethernet interface.
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-04/msg00049.html (9,135 bytes)

19. Re: [Karlnet] limiting bandwidth (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 16:51:52 -0500
Chris, I just changed the settings to different configurations and it worked just fine. Even tried something like you are trying to do, set ethernet side to 512 and radio side to 128 and it worked ok
/archives//html/Karlnet/2003-04/msg00051.html (10,325 bytes)

20. [Karlnet] OT-linksys, please help (score: 1)
Author: LaRoy McCann <lmccann@roachconveyors.com>
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 15:39:46 -0600
Hi all, I apologize if this is too far off topic but... I have been fighting this problem for several weeks now and don't have may hairs left to pull out. A local wireless company stopped their wirel
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-02/msg00016.html (9,667 bytes)

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