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Total 12 documents matching your query.

1. [Karlnet] Teletronics CPE (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Mon, 03 May 2004 17:43:18 -0400
I have a bunch of the Teletronics CPE boxes (old style). As we are looking at converting the full network to Karlnet, I was woundering if anyone knows if these can be flashed to act as SOHO Turbocell
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-05/msg00009.html (6,544 bytes)

2. [Karlnet] Lucent/3com Ethernet Converter (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2004 09:22:30 -0400
Thanks for info on the Teletronics CPE boxes. Now, How about the Lucent/3com Ethernet converters? Can they become a Turbocell client? If so, what radio cards will they take? Blair West Michigan Wirel
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-05/msg00032.html (6,642 bytes)

3. [Karlnet] YDI and Karlnet (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 12:13:20 -0400
For anyone who has not seen it, Karlnet has sold out to YDI. Many questions come to mind, but the big one is..... Will the pricing and availability of Kar
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-05/msg00146.html (7,337 bytes)

4. [Karlnet] Karlnet and YDI (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 17:26:48 -0400
Karlnet is to be part of YDI. To me, at least, this is troubling. I have never had any good luck with YDI products. We can hope that the existing software product line is maintained. Hardware is good
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-05/msg00155.html (8,420 bytes)

5. Re: RE: [Karlnet] Karlnet and YDI (Scott Wendrick) (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 12:04:31 -0400
I never saw that one either. Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 10:16:38 -0500 From: "Scott Wendrick" <> Subject: Re: RE: [Karlnet] Karlnet and YDI To: "Karlnet Mailing List" <karlnet@WISPNote
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-05/msg00173.html (12,194 bytes)

6. [Karlnet] Re: Amps (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 16:29:18 -0400
I'd have to disagree. I have a bunch of YDI amps that have given me nothing but trouble. We have tried YDI, Hyperlink, Teletronics and RF Linx. We have removed all the YDI amps from the system. I hav
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-05/msg00254.html (8,321 bytes)

7. [Karlnet] Avaya OR-1 (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 13:02:15 -0400
Anyone know if the Avaya OR-1 / Orinoco OR-500 is flashable to Karlnet/TurboCell? If so, what license and .BIN are needed? Blair Davis West Michigan Wireless 269-686-8648 ____________________________
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-05/msg00278.html (6,610 bytes)

8. [Karlnet] Configurator 5.0 Problems (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 09:05:07 -0400
Has anyone else noticed that the new 5.0 Configurator will not talk to some of the older lucent flashed hardware? For me it is unable to open my AP-1000's and older OR-500's that still have the lucen
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-05/msg00310.html (7,465 bytes)

9. [Karlnet] RE: What are we all going to do for CPE's? (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 18:06:31 -0400
What mesh products have you been playing with I have been doing a lot of research on that and havnt been able to choose yet. I have been looking at the pebble linux from NYC wireless. I'm using produ
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-06/msg00093.html (7,506 bytes)

10. [Karlnet] Sector Antennas (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 06:23:32 -0400
I currently have 2 16db H-pol sectors each with 100 deg beamwidth. I have a splitter and have carefully made the cables from the splitter to the sectors exactly the same length. I placed the sectors
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-07/msg00033.html (7,711 bytes)

11. [Karlnet] YDI killing Karlnet (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:11:17 -0400
Well, it has happened. On 7/2/04, I attempted to order an HF-600 and an XN-700 from Karlnet via Winncom Technologies. Last week, not yet having received the order, I called Winncom and asked about it
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-07/msg00098.html (9,664 bytes)

12. Re: [Karlnet] YDI killing Karlnet (score: 1)
Author: Blair Davis <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:22:36 -0400
For our new tower's, possibly. However, for our existing stuff, and for our planned upgrades, this puts a large hole in things.... Since you are converting to Canopy, I would wonder if you have Karln
/archives//html/Karlnet/2004-07/msg00101.html (11,275 bytes)

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