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Total 1525 documents matching your query.

301. [ct-user] Country File update 15 October 2000 for CT/NA/TR/WL (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:15:15 -0400
New country files have been uploaded to - the release notes are attached. (CT/TR) (NA)
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00065.html (8,290 bytes)

302. [ct-user] New Master Callsign Databases available for CT/NA/TR/WL (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 07:48:24 -0400
I have updated the master callsign database files on . You can also get to them through the CT Vault. I didn't have time to do a complete job this year, so this is last year's dat
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00067.html (7,804 bytes)

303. [ct-user] New master callsign database for PED (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 21:09:03 -0400
I created a new callsign database for JE3MAS's PED CT simulator. You can download it from the web site, follow Master Callsign Database link and look for PED can be found at h
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00069.html (7,167 bytes)

304. [ct-user] my mouse doesn't work (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 22:12:45 -0400
You need to be able to shut down Win95 to a DOS prompt. Somehow you must load an external mouse.sys (or driver so that CT get get access to it through DOS. 73 - Jim -- Jim Reisert AD1C <jj
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00075.html (6,950 bytes)

305. [ct-user] cabrillo file format (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 23:36:17 -0400
Download 9.50 or later. Use WRITELOG command and the output will be <callsign>.TXT Read the article in November QST about Cabrillo - it describes how to generate the output for each of the major logg
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00077.html (7,145 bytes)

306. [ct-user] CT Cabrillo Output (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 23:51:57 -0400
Read all about it on the CT web site: 73 - Jim AD1C -- Jim Reisert AD1C <> -- WWW: Submissions: ct-user
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00078.html (6,755 bytes)

307. [ct-user] Band Problem (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 18:04:33 -0400
Are you connected to the radio via a serial cable for frequency control? Did you load the appropriate COMTSR? Are the baud rate etc. settings correct? Is the correct radio selected in CT? If the answ
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00097.html (7,556 bytes)

308. [ct-user] Section window randomly displays sections (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 23:30:34 -0400
I think 9.51 in the CT Vault corrects this. -- Jim Reisert AD1C <> -- WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests:
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00104.html (7,632 bytes)

309. [ct-user] CT9.50 and rig interface (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 17:20:46 -0400
Absolutely! The problem you describe is indicative of trying to run CT in a DOS window. 73 - Jim AD1C -- Jim Reisert AD1C <> -- WWW: Sub
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00111.html (7,170 bytes)

310. FYI: [ct-user] CT9.50 reads CT9.40 .BIN (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (by way of Tony <>) (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 17:10:42 -0700
Yes, the .BIN file will work with either version. - Jim -- Jim Reisert AD1C <> -- WWW: Submissions: Administrativ
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00114.html (7,207 bytes)

311. [ct-user] Country File update 23 October 2000 for CT/NA/TR/WL (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 22:47:45 -0400
New country files have been uploaded to - the release notes are attached. (CT/TR) (NA)
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00118.html (8,590 bytes)

312. [ct-user] Country File update 25 October 2000 for CT/NA/TR/WL -- fix forNA and CT8 (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 08:38:42 -0400
New country files have been uploaded to - the release notes are attached. IMPORTANT: If you downloaded the 1003 release from 23 October, and you are using NA (country.dat) or CT8 (cqww.c
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00131.html (8,976 bytes)

313. [ct-user] 9.50 or 9.51 with FT1000mp - verified working for CQWW SSB? (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 15:11:24 -0400
Has anyone fully tested 9.50 (released) or 9.51 (beta) with an FT1000mp in the CQWW SSB mode and verified that everything works? I need to install the software for someone and want to make sure that
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00138.html (7,409 bytes)

314. [ct-user] 9.50 or 9.51 with FT1000mp - verified workingfor CQWW SSB? (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 23:21:17 -0400
Everyone says FT1000mp A-OK with 9.50 or 9.51. Thanks for the help! 73 - Jim AD1C -- Jim Reisert AD1C <> -- WWW: Submissions: ct-user@co
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00141.html (7,453 bytes)

315. [ct-user] RE: Country File update 25 October 2000 for CT/NA/TR/WL (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 07:08:59 -0500
There are a few errors in the country file - one will probably result in a slight score reduction: * FO0FRA was operating from French Polynesia, FO. CT thought it was Marquesas, FO/m because FO0FR is
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00149.html (7,573 bytes)

316. [ct-user] CT cqww cabrillo question (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:05:36 -0500
K1EA said he'd look at it tonight. -- Jim Reisert AD1C <> -- WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: ct-user-
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00153.html (7,491 bytes)

317. [ct-user] FAQ: WCF/section issues, Cabrillo output (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:58:12 -0500
We seem to be be getting a lot of questions outside the reflector lately. Here are some answers: 1. CT doesn't recognize the West Central Florida (WCF) section. There are two different issues here. F
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-10/msg00157.html (8,861 bytes)

318. [ct-user] WAE help (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 08:32:58 -0400
I didn't see the answer posted here, but you MUST copy both the .BIN and .QTC files to reproduce the entire contest. The QTC information is not stored in the .BIN file but in the separate .QTC file.
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-09/msg00012.html (7,139 bytes)

319. [ct-user] Windows ME (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 10:08:03 -0400
There is no "boot under DOS" in Windows ME. We do NOT recommend using Windows ME with CT. 73 - Jim AD1C -- Jim Reisert AD1C <> -- WWW: S
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-09/msg00019.html (7,161 bytes)

320. [ct-user] wcf not showing in ss section window (score: 1)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C <> (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 06:39:36 -0400
The window is too small (not enough lines to show all sections). You can log it, CT will accept the section, it just won't show up in the multiplier window. 73 - Jim -- Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert@al
/archives//html/CT-User/2000-09/msg00028.html (8,592 bytes)

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