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Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] ADIF AND BIN FILES (score: 179)
Author: r.stlaurent at (Ron St.Laurent ND5S)
Date: Sun Jul 6 16:55:26 2003
What? And do it the easy way? That had not occurred to me! I haven't merged in WriteLog but I'm sure there's a way to do it. Logic had me thinking of merging the one into the group rather than mergin
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-07/msg00011.html (9,052 bytes)

2. [ct-user] ADIF AND BIN FILES (score: 179)
Author: r.stlaurent at (Ron St.Laurent ND5S)
Date: Sun Jul 6 18:01:09 2003
Tried a little experiment and found that WriteLog behaved badly with the ADIF export from CT. The log had both CW and SSB contacts. It treated all contacts as CW and noted dupes for stations called o
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-07/msg00012.html (9,397 bytes)

3. [ct-user] ADIF AND BIN FILES (score: 178)
Author: r.stlaurent at (Ron St.Laurent ND5S)
Date: Sun Jul 6 16:26:14 2003
Hi, I have been off this reflector for some time. I know that a CT bin file can be converted to ADIF by using C2A. Is there a way to convert an ADIF to a bin so that a different programs output can b
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-07/msg00009.html (7,227 bytes)

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