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References: [ +from:ken.silverman@atlas.ccmail.AirTouch.COM: 5 ]

Total 5 documents matching your query.

1. CT and IC-736 or IC-738? (score: 1)
Author: (ken silverman)
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 95 09:45:53 PST
I use CT successfully with the IC 736. You need to set the address of the radio to that of another Icom rig configured in CT, and then select that radio in CT. I tested mine using the configurations
/archives//html/CT-User/1995-03/msg00002.html (8,221 bytes)

2. Icom Addr & CT (score: 1)
Author: (ken silverman)
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 95 14:14:59 PST
Hi Gang, Sorry for the delay. Here are the addr for Icom. 781 - 26H 765 - 2CH 761 - 1EH 751 - 1CH 735 - 04H 737 - ? 736 - ? 725 - 28H I have used my IC 736 with the addr and CT configurations for the
/archives//html/CT-User/1995-03/msg00039.html (6,699 bytes)

3. 2 com port PCMCIA card (score: 1)
Author: ken.silverman@atlas.ccmail.AirTouch.COM (ken silverman)
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 94 09:37:13 PST
Happy hot summer dayz to all, 1) Is anyone aware of a 2 com port PCMCIA card (type II)? I have a PC with one com port and a PCMCIA slot. I don't know enough about the PCMCIA slots to know if what I a
/archives//html/CT-User/1994-08/msg00011.html (7,131 bytes)

4. 2 com port PCMCIA card (score: 1)
Author: ken.silverman@atlas.ccmail.AirTouch.COM (ken silverman)
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 94 19:01:00 PST
Knock, knock, 1) Is anyone aware of a 2 com port PCMCIA card (type II)? I have a laptop PC with one serial&parrellel port and one PCMCIA slot. The goal is to have one laptop with 3 com ports to be th
/archives//html/CT-User/1994-08/msg00012.html (7,278 bytes)

5. 2 com port PCMCIA card (score: 1)
Author: ken.silverman@atlas.ccmail.AirTouch.COM (ken silverman)
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 94 19:01:07 PST
Knock, knock, 1) Is anyone aware of a 2 com port PCMCIA card (type II)? I have a laptop PC with one serial&parrellel port and one PCMCIA slot. The goal is to have one laptop with 3 com ports to be th
/archives//html/CT-User/1994-08/msg00013.html (7,239 bytes)

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