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References: [ +from:k2kir: 4 ] [ at: 5152 ] [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] Paddle intout to the computer (score: 223)
Author: k2kir at (Bud Hippisley, K2KIR)
Date: Mon Mar 17 10:05:33 2003
I often _deliberately_ set the external keyer speed to be slower than the CT keying speed for those situations when the other station is having trouble correctly receiving my call or exchange. I use
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-03/msg00060.html (8,006 bytes)

2. [ct-user] RE: Upgrade computer strategy (score: 222)
Author: k2kir at (Bud Hippisley, K2KIR)
Date: Wed Aug 6 22:54:58 2003
Can you point me at a sound card program that is a true DVP substitute that allows me to not have to speak _at all_ during a phone contest? I.e., one that produces synthesized call signs from the con
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-08/msg00026.html (8,934 bytes)

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