Does it make a difference, as long as the official scorers (ARRL) score it properly? The Cabrillo log doesn't show dupes. -- WWW: Submissions: Administrati
Check the archives, I believe that there was someone who described how to boot ME into DOS, it was a MS secret. -- WWW: Submissions: Administrative request
Author: Ed Parish, K1EP" < (Ed Parish, K1EP)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 07:38:42 -0500
I had the same for WH7K. Didn't work any JA's so I didn't have the other problem ;^) I didn't see that, but I did see something similar. The first DAH from the call (F4) or CQ message (F1) was elonga
Author: Ed Parish, K1EP" < (Ed Parish, K1EP)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 12:58:10 -0500
I don't agree with you. I worked multiple KL7's and KH6's in the contest. The first came up as KH6/KL7 respectively, others just as a no mult. (Okay, I had to do a WH7K=KH6) They did not come up as s
Author: Ed Parish, K1EP" < (Ed Parish, K1EP)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 13:18:43 -0500
I guess I retract my first statement. I played a bit with it just now and see the problem that was mentioned. I didn't have the latest AR10.DAT file, as I just added NU to my file at home, so I didn'
Author: Ed Parish, K1EP" < (Ed Parish, K1EP)
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 09:57:08 -0500
Dan, N1ND, told me to list the call as a comment with an explanation in the SOAPBOX: line of the file. You can add a SOAPBOX: line to the file just like any other line in the file. -- WWW: http://www
Author: Ed Parish, K1EP" < (Ed Parish, K1EP)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 08:10:28 -0500
I noticed that with the 756PRO too. Only I wasn't taking spots. IF I switched bands or took one off of the band map that I had previously mapped, the PRO would revert to Filter 2, when I was in Filte
Author: Ed Parish, K1EP" < (Ed Parish, K1EP)
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 07:57:30 -0400
You can put the WCF section in the window, just not under the other 4 area sections. I did that for FD and worked a number of WCF stations. It works just fine. You just have too many sections in 4 la
Author: Ed Parish, K1EP" < (Ed Parish, K1EP)
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 08:09:54 -0400
As long as they don't change the file system, which was done in the past going from DOS/WIN3 to WIN95/NT/98. Then you would be stuck with just what was on your floppy. -- WWW: Su
Icom radios come in two flavors, ones that have VFOA and VFOB and ones that have Main and Sub-band. This makes a difference. I would pick one that is similar in architecture. Here are some more: 271
I believe that is covered in the FAQ or noted on the website. I don't think you have to. Yes, the DOS link says .002, but the downloaded file is .003. _______________________________________________
I think you can recover the log. If you use the B2R9 utility, you can edit the file in ascii text. There should be sequence numbers for each QSO and therefore you can spot the interlaced ones. Fix th
I just tried it and it produced a log file for me. _______________________________________________ CT-User mailing list CT
Yes, I have heard it many times on different machines. I do not know what it is from. Sometimes it comes and goes. Any insight into it would be helpful. ______________________________________________
I used DOS CT9.92.001 in the ARRL 10M contest, CW only. I was only in the contest for about an hour, so I don't have too much to go on, but then again, I had a very small log. I noticed a very long p
Most likely the cause in my case. Radio communications worked fine, no delays. No packet racquet. No autosave. No network. No RF either, as I was S&P, entering the call to see if it was a dupe. Only
This subject is now closed. There are plenty of contests this weekend to occupy your time. _______________________________________________ CT-User mailing list http://lists.con
As some have noted already, it appears as if there is no Cabrillo output for the RAC contest. The scoring on your .ALL and .SUM files is also incorrect, as that it doesn't score RAC stations properly
That is strange. I was using the DOS version, 9.92.001 and all the RAC stations were scored as 10 points... _______________________________________________ CT-User mailing list