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References: [ +from:dave.n3rd: 5 ] [ at: 5153 ] [ 13 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] CTWIN, Win98SE, and -VGA mode (score: 176)
Author: dave.n3rd at (Dave Hawes)
Date: Sun Jun 1 18:05:40 2003
I have been informed by an authoritative source that -VGA mode works with CT Win. A search of the archives found two reports that - VGA works with XP and Win2000. Has anybody gotten CTWin to do -VGA
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-06/msg00084.html (6,648 bytes)

2. [ct-user] Network Question Win + DOS (score: 176)
Author: dave.n3rd at (Dave Hawes)
Date: Sun Mar 30 20:00:15 2003
I am planning to set up a hybrid network as follows: Computer 1 - Win98SE running CTWin connected to the 'net Computers 2-5 - DOS running CT for DOS (some late v9) In the current setup, Computers 2-5
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-03/msg00079.html (7,769 bytes)

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