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References: [ +from:Jim: 1714 ] [ Reisert: 2430 ] [ AD1C: 2037 ] [ ": 163 ] [ < 34 ] [ (Jim: 884 ] [ Reisert: 2430 ] [ AD1C): 530 ]

Total 1 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] ARRL Entries - LOG or TXT and Cabrillo "/ Call"s (score: 530)
Author: Jim Reisert AD1C" < (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 10:12:24 -0400
Older versions of CT might, but this WAS fixed in a later release (look at RELEASE9.TXT for the exact release #). 73 - Jim AD1C -- Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863 USA
/archives//html/CT-User/2001-07/msg00066.html (8,168 bytes)

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