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References: [ +from:ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca: 166 ]

Total 166 documents matching your query.

121. [CQ-Contest] UBN solutions USA/USA QSO's (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Tue Mar 17 23:06:31 1998
Hi. I think Dale's right in suggesting the stick won't work. I think he's also right in saying the carrot's a bad idea too. I don't think the WW should go as far as ARRL DX (W/VE work the world but n
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-03/msg00331.html (8,972 bytes)

122. [CQ-Contest] Kachina transceiver (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Fri May 15 13:37:15 1998
Seems to me that irrespective of any operational deficiencies, the Kachina just ain't a radio. No knobs to tweak, no buttons to push. Yecch! Windows, mouse control, keyboard soft keys, geez, sounds a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-05/msg00153.html (7,119 bytes)

123. [CQ-Contest] Has the contest ended? (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Jul 2 20:29:29 1998
Bill et al: I think the core question at play behind all this thread is what is contesting? Is it: 1. A test of radio communication skills? 2. Or a test of one's ability to flip pages of a callbook,
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00022.html (8,453 bytes)

124. [CQ-Contest] Re: When is the compeition over? (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Sun Jul 5 21:07:56 1998
The golfer who determines that he marked down the wrong score can still only edit to reflect what actually happened. He CANNOT go back and and replay that shanked wedge. Determining correctness does
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00063.html (9,307 bytes)

125. [CQ-Contest] Sending callsigns (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Sat Jul 18 00:55:27 1998
John et al, As a perennial S&Per, it seems to me that sending one's call after every Q is not only wise operating habit, it's common courtesy to the stations who may wish to call you. Soooooooo often
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00163.html (9,292 bytes)

126. [CQ-Contest] Has the contest ended? (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu Jul 2 20:29:29 1998
Bill et al: I think the core question at play behind all this thread is what is contesting? Is it: 1. A test of radio communication skills? 2. Or a test of one's ability to flip pages of a callbook,
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00304.html (8,448 bytes)

127. [CQ-Contest] Re: When is the compeition over? (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Sun Jul 5 21:07:56 1998
The golfer who determines that he marked down the wrong score can still only edit to reflect what actually happened. He CANNOT go back and and replay that shanked wedge. Determining correctness does
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00321.html (9,300 bytes)

128. [CQ-Contest] Sending callsigns (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Sat Jul 18 00:55:27 1998
John et al, As a perennial S&Per, it seems to me that sending one's call after every Q is not only wise operating habit, it's common courtesy to the stations who may wish to call you. Soooooooo often
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00379.html (9,286 bytes)

129. [CQ-Contest] More on cut numbers (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Thu May 29 23:58:37 1997
IMHO, this brouhaha about cut numbers is NOT about rules. After all, nobody objects when in CWSS K5ZD sends WMA, or K1AR sends NYLI, even though the correct response is Western Massachusetts or New Y
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-05/msg00315.html (7,167 bytes)

130. [CQ-Contest] intl radio filter (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Sat Jun 7 09:17:01 1997
Hi. Anyone using International Radio crystal filters in a TS-850? Any comments regarding quality/performance appreciated, particularly as pertaining to contest operation or in comparison with the KW
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-06/msg00110.html (6,743 bytes)

131. [CQ-Contest] FD a joke? (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Tue Jul 1 10:58:13 1997
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Seems some people are just having too much fun in field day. We must put a stop to this now. We simply cannot allow people to enjoy themselves. After all, FD is supposed to be an emerg
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00011.html (6,870 bytes)

132. [CQ-Contest] Ideal transceiver (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Fri Jul 11 09:56:46 1997
Wish list (some of which is already available on some rigs): 1. multiple antenna ports 2. input, properly switched and with a built-in preamp with selectable levels of preamplification (or front-pane
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00107.html (9,415 bytes)

133. [CQ-Contest] Some Contest-Rule Topics (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Tue Jul 15 22:32:20 1997
Seems to me that this question, and the others stated in the original message, revolves around whether or not it is OK to weasel around the spirit of the intended rules. To me, the answer is no. To m
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00195.html (10,593 bytes)

134. [CQ-Contest] IARU HQ stations (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Tue Jul 15 22:47:18 1997
With apologies to all concerned, it seems as though the brouhaha surrounding the existence of `too many' IARU HQ stations seems to warrant the same sarcastic response as the `FD is too fun' message f
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00196.html (7,585 bytes)

135. [CQ-Contest] Ideal transceiver (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Fri Jul 11 09:56:46 1997
Wish list (some of which is already available on some rigs): 1. multiple antenna ports 2. input, properly switched and with a built-in preamp with selectable levels of preamplification (or front-pane
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00354.html (9,468 bytes)

136. [CQ-Contest] Some Contest-Rule Topics (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Tue Jul 15 22:32:20 1997
Seems to me that this question, and the others stated in the original message, revolves around whether or not it is OK to weasel around the spirit of the intended rules. To me, the answer is no. To m
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00440.html (10,576 bytes)

137. [CQ-Contest] IARU HQ stations (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Tue Jul 15 22:47:18 1997
With apologies to all concerned, it seems as though the brouhaha surrounding the existence of `too many' IARU HQ stations seems to warrant the same sarcastic response as the `FD is too fun' message f
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00441.html (7,575 bytes)

138. [CQ-Contest] Ideal transceiver (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Fri Jul 11 09:56:46 1997
Wish list (some of which is already available on some rigs): 1. multiple antenna ports 2. input, properly switched and with a built-in preamp with selectable levels of preamplification (or front-pane
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00587.html (9,585 bytes)

139. [CQ-Contest] Some Contest-Rule Topics (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Tue Jul 15 22:32:20 1997
Seems to me that this question, and the others stated in the original message, revolves around whether or not it is OK to weasel around the spirit of the intended rules. To me, the answer is no. To m
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00673.html (10,572 bytes)

140. [CQ-Contest] IARU HQ stations (score: 1)
Author: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Tue Jul 15 22:47:18 1997
With apologies to all concerned, it seems as though the brouhaha surrounding the existence of `too many' IARU HQ stations seems to warrant the same sarcastic response as the `FD is too fun' message f
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-07/msg00674.html (7,605 bytes)

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