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References: [ +from:pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com: 61 ]

Total 61 documents matching your query.

41. Television in 5-land (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Tue Mar 31 11:46:30 1992
Cabbage Punching? George, please to explain. EKK
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-03/msg00061.html (5,839 bytes)

42. More Categories (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Wed Apr 1 09:49:23 1992
I think more categories is a very good idea. I'll still push for 12 hours, rather than 24 - I think that would attract many more potential contesters. As far as administering these categories, what e
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-04/msg00002.html (6,357 bytes)

43. Contesting in the Maunder Minimum (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Thu Apr 9 08:47:06 1992
CONTESTING IN THE MAUNDER MINIMUM 1. We would all be forced to become multilingual - French to work lots more Canadians and Spanish to sweep 15 for South Americans. The star operators would be those
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-04/msg00019.html (7,340 bytes)

44. KM9P (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Thu May 7 13:36:58 1992
Sure is quiet out there in contester net-land. Does anyone have a work phone for Bill Fisher KM9P?? John Pescatore WB2EKK PESCATORE_JT@NCSD.GTE.COM
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-05/msg00001.html (5,627 bytes)

45. WA8MAZ now WZ3Q (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Fri May 29 11:32:26 1992
For those of you who know Don Daso WA8MAZ, he is now WZ3Q - I think his name is the same. There are no more 2x1s in the thrid call district, which was the last to have any. Since in CW MA=Q, and he h
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-05/msg00030.html (6,321 bytes)

46. WPX CW SCORES FROM 3830 (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Tue Jun 2 08:08:18 1992
Here are some scores I copied from 3830, no overwhelming accuracy expressed or implied: KM1H (KQ2M) 2364 760 5.3M K3Z0 1845 667 4.0M - OVER 700 Q ON 40 WR3E (@W3LPL) 1900 650 3.5M NW3B 1821 661 3.8M
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-06/msg00009.html (6,945 bytes)

47. Look for WB2EKK in Field Day (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Sun Jun 21 11:04:18 1992
Look for WB2EKK in Field Day from Deep Creek Lake MD. We will probably be 1B this year, only myself and WA3WHE (a non-contester.) We will be on all bands and satellite modes - unless the weather is r
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-06/msg00041.html (6,283 bytes)

48. Field Day Follies (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Mon Jun 29 10:59:04 1992
Well, the massive WB2EKK Field Day operation has come and gone, and as I return and read the contest-reflector messages I realize my biggest mistake was not inviting that famous 220-hour-while-playin
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-06/msg00053.html (7,364 bytes)

49. Sprint Results (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Tue Jul 14 16:44:31 1992
I don't know if Trey did it on purpose, but the CW Sprint results in the July/August NCJ are shown in QSO order, without the usual by score order listing. I think that is a good way to do it; I'm in
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-07/msg00024.html (6,361 bytes)

50. Contest email address list (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Wed Jul 22 10:25:03 1992
13 Jul 92 Rev 9 This is the current contester Internet address list. Note: 1. Calls with ??? are questionable. 2. Addresses in "" are Internet addresses 3. Addresses that begin with / are X.400 addre
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-07/msg00030.html (10,221 bytes)

51. Sky Radio/N3RR (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Fri Sep 4 09:10:40 1992
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-09/msg00001.html (5,926 bytes)

52. Sprinting over Labor Day Weekend (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Fri Sep 4 15:23:06 1992
The CW sprint is my favorite contest, all year. However, holding it over Labor Day weekend means I won't be in it this year. I think all of the "first/third/second full weekend of ..." type contests
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-09/msg00004.html (6,415 bytes)

53. CT "Simulator" (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Tue Nov 3 15:06:27 1992
Has anyone heard of a DOS contest simulator, written by a JA, that essentially has a CT front end? It is a 20-m only Dr. DX-like program that W3GG and a few others have down-loaded from the W3INK lan
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-11/msg00013.html (6,698 bytes)

54. Mult-single multiplier chasing (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Thu Nov 5 07:28:23 1992
At W3LPL each band is essentially a multi-single operation: there are two transceivers connected to a single amplifier for that band. The first one to hit the footswitch (PTT) or the key locks out th
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-11/msg00022.html (9,217 bytes)

55. QST Contest Coverage (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Fri Nov 6 09:40:34 1992
In the U.S., our contest scores are made up of QSO's from: 1. Full time serious entrants - those of us who want more contest coverage in QST. 2. Part time serious entrants - still want more coverage
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-11/msg00028.html (9,505 bytes)

56. Sweepstakes QRP (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Thu Nov 12 07:48:47 1992
Several locals who did full-time SS CW efforts had a different complaint about QRP stations. They said several stations that had precedence Q were very loud when they answered the CQ, but dropped dow
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-11/msg00088.html (6,612 bytes)

57. Signing portable - yech de WB2EKK/3 (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Thu Nov 12 12:51:37 1992
I moved to 3 land about they time the FCC stopped giving you a new call when you moved and stopped requiring you to sign portable. The first few years in SS were horrible - if I didn't sign /3 I had
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-11/msg00091.html (7,847 bytes)

58. Why contest? (Because and why not don't count) (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Thu Nov 19 15:26:15 1992
I contest because it is usually fun. So, I guess the question is why do I find contesting fun? Mainly because it involves skill and I can work at it and improve, and I can measure my improvement. I c
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-11/msg00125.html (7,774 bytes)

59. 10-10 Club belligerency, strife, warfare (contest) with contesting (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Mon Dec 21 13:23:28 1992
I don't if all 10-10 club chapters are as venomously anti-contesting as the local (Arlington VA) one is but they are getting more and more vehement about it. The December 10-10 chapter newsletter was
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-12/msg00213.html (8,123 bytes)

60. Ten dollars and Ten cents (score: 1)
Author: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Tue Dec 22 07:29:25 1992
OK, I admit it, when I was a johnny novice I got a 10-10 number too. I never did use monetary units to give it out, since I was on a $5 a week allowance in those days. 10-10 actually has an admirable
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-12/msg00221.html (6,488 bytes)

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